chapter 4

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It had been a month since the Accident, Andy was going back to work soon and Robert was slowly getting back to full strength, she was staying at her dad's for the week like she Normally does, it was around 5 o'clock when her dad came into her room "Hey chicken, what do you want for dinner." She looked up from her phone."Can we have spicy fried chicken and fries, please?" He nodded, "Okay dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes." He left her room "Okay papi, I'll be down soon to set the table." She went back to texting her best friend Nola.

15 minutes later, she headed downstairs to set the table, "Hey chicken, your mom texted asking if you want o go with her and prima Michelle and go shopping tomorrow." She took a minute."What are you doing tomorrow." He started smiling."Probably do some yard work. Want to help." She took a step back "emm I think i'll go shopping." He started laughing. Izz finished setting up the table. She walked over to the fridge. "What do you want to drink, dad?" He looked over at her."A glass of orange juice, please chicken."  She nodded and grabbed the orange and apple juice from the fridge and put them into the glasses on the table.

She put them away and sat at the table, Robert put there dinner out on their plates and took them over to Issabella, they ate their dinner and Robert told her to go pick a movie to watch in the living room whilst he cleaned up, her new favourite movie recently was Titanic, she was into the history and just everything about it, when Robert came I. With ice cream Sundays to she she had picked titanic, it was no shock, they watched the movie on the couch and it finished around 8 o'clock, izz headed upstairs to to get ready for bed, she went in a quick shower, did her skin care and got into some comfy pj's.

Sheay down on her bed and went under her big fluffy blanket, Robert came into her room. "Sleep well, chicken, love you." He gave her a kiss on the check and left her room, izz put on Wednesday on her TV and fell asleep at some point during it.

Robert's Pov

I was woke up to the sound of my door bell, I looked at my phone to see it was midnight, I found that really weird, I got up out of bed and walked towards Issabella's  room.  She was fast asleep, I quickly turned her tv off but left her led light on, I made sure to close the door behind me, I walked down the stairs and looked through the living room window,  Natasha, why is she here so late, I walked up to the door and opened it "tash its midnight, what's up." I stood staring at her ," I couldn't sleep, so I came over." She smiled at him."Tash, izz is here. You can't come in." She looked pissed, "Of course she is." She muttered under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear her. "First of all I told you it's my week, second of all she's my child and you will not speak about her like, she's done nothing to you, she's just a shelter kid who dosent like exposing her self to people, so do you want to back of from my daughter." I  was fighting so hard not to slam the door in her face, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step on any toes." She said it so sarcastically, "Look, just go home. Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow for our date." I hugged her and kissed her goodnight. She's really been annoying me ever since she found out about Izzy, I watched as she walked into the distance.

I closed and locked the door before I was even able to turn around. All I could hear was "YOUR DATEING THE CHIEF!" Crap she knew, I slowly turned around,"chicken come with me." I reached for her hand, and she grabbed it, I took her to the living room and sat her down on the couch, "yes I am dating Natasha." She started smiling."omg dad, that's amazinggggg, it's about time."  I thought she was going to be mad, but she wasn't "well I'm happy that you're okay with it." She started giggling,"so dose mami know." Shit, I need to tell her."No, not yet, and I'd like it if you didn't tell her." I gave her a soft smile."Okay, okay, who else knows?" Crap now I need to tell her Vic knows and get asked about 300 questions "well uhmm, Hughes." She gave me a look,"you told Vic before my mami. You've really messed up Papa." I was annoyed that she had told the truth "yea I know chicken, that's enough questions, get your but back to bed." I pointed to the stairs, and she reluctantly stood up, "night papi." She ran ups, and I heard her door close, okay, one less person who I love to tell, I got up off the couch, and fixed the pillows, I turned off the light and headed up to bed.

I knocked on Izzy's door, and she told me to come in, I walked over to her bed. "Just because I'm dating someone doesn't mean I love you or your mom any less." Shs nodded."I know, dad, we love you just the same." She hugged me."I love you, chicken." I wishperd in her ear, she let go of me and layed back down.  "Goodnight, Schatzi." I stood up and walked out of her room, I closed the door behind me and headed to my room, I set an alarm for 8:30 so I could be ready before Andy and Michelle came to pick izzy up, I put my phone on the bed side table, it started buzzing I looked at it too see andy had sent me a text

"Hey, I know it's late but I've been contemplating sending this texts so I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner, if you don't it's totally fine I get it but I just wanted to hang out with the one person who knows me inside out."

Should I agree and go, or should I not go......


Hello, I hope you guys liked this chapter, I loved this one. It was fun to come up with

Anyway, do you think Sully should go or not go put it in the comments

Anyway, see you in the next chapter


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