chappter 11

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Just a short chapter today, I didn't have much time to write.
Back to longer chapters tomorrow


The next two weeks in the hospital flew by, Izz was making a smooth recovery, and Andy and Robert were taking their relationships slow. They hadn't even discussed what you'd call them. Today was the day that izzy was going home, Robert had all the bags in his arms whilst Andy had Izzy's wheelchair. Arizona stood at the door. When they got to the door, she leaned down and hugged her, "Goodbye, Dr Robbins."  Arizona stood up."Goodbye, izz hope you have the best birthday on Sunday." Izzy smiled, "I think I will." Andy looked at Arizona."Thank you so much." Andy said whilst walking past her."It was nothing. She's a delightful young woman." They both laughed, and the three of them walked down the Peds Hall "papi." They stopped "yes chicken." She looked up at her."Can you stay at mine and mamis tonight?" He looked at Andy."If it's okay with your mom, then yes." Izzy turned to face Andy and gave her puppy dog eyes "Please mami." Andy looked over at Robert."Fine, he can stay, but if he makes a mess, you're cleaning up." The three started laughing. They continued to make their way to the car.

When they got back to Andy's house, they all headed into the living room, "Can we watch movies?" They nodded,"you choose." Robert handed her the remote "ill be 2 min. Im going to put the bags upstairs." He walked out to the car."i'll come help." Andy got up and followed him, they walked upstairs, helping each other carry the bags, they walked into izzys room and started unpacking her bag, well Andy did, Robert just sat on her bed admiring Andy, she caught him "what you looking at ." She smirked, "I was just looking at this really pretty woman in front of me." She walked over to him "oh were you know." She kissed him, he kissed her back, she pulled away, "we need to hurry up or she'll get suspicious." He agreed and walked off "Emm were you going." He had a look on his face, "Oh… me… just going… to sit with our sick daughter." She rolled her eyes "fine go, we weren't much help anyway."

He walked down the stairs and headed to the living room. "What movie did you pick chicken?" He sat on the couch beside her."Just go with it. " He put his arm around her."Of course you did." They both started watching the film, about 30 minutes later Andy came down stairs "what took you so long, mami." She sat on the couch beside Robert."Diced to go for a shower." She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her, for the rest of they day they watch a hole load of movies and Robert had made them some pizza for there dinner, around 9 o'clock izz diced to do up to bed, Andy took her up the stairs, and tucked her into bed "buenas noches, Mija" She kissed her on her forehead and headed out the room.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed 2 wine glasses and a bottle of wine for them, she walked into the living room were Robert was sat still watching the movie izzy had left on, Andy sat down beside him "thought we'd need a little drink." She said whilst shaking the wine bottle, Robert took the wine out of andy's hand, she opened it and poured it into the two glasses, Robert sat the bottle down and wrapped his arm around her, she placed her head onto his chest "so what were we watching." She grabbed the remote."How about Dirty Dancing." He started chuckling." It's still your favourite movie even after 14 years." She nodded."What else would I watch? " they both started laughing, Andy threw a blanket over them, Robert started playing with Andy's hair.

After about an 1 hour Andy fell asleep, Robert picked her up bridal style and took her to her room, he laid her down and put the covers over her, he placed a small kiss on her head and grabbed a small pillow and walked out the room closing the door quietly behind him, he peaked in on Izzy's room to see if she was okay. He walked down the stairs, set up the couch, quickly tidied up the living room, and washed their wine glasses. Robert laid down on the couch and turned on a random movie. It took him about an hour to fall asleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

See you guys Tomorrow


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