chapter 13

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There day at work had been quite slow, nothing really big just a few kitchen fires and a few Aid car calls, Izz and pru had went out shopping for there sleep over, with Joey supervising them, Andy was in her bunk tiding it up when she felt arms coming around her waist, she turned around "Hello." She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a small kiss on his lips."As much as I'd love to stay here forever, I need to go pick izz ,pru, and Joey up." He sighed."I guess I'll have to let you go then." She nodded "well not for another." She checked her phone for "10 minutes." He smiled, "Okay then." He closed her bunk door.

She got up, Robert , following close behind her, "You need to leave first. Otherwise, they'll find out." He nodded as he was about to leave Andy grabbed his arm. He turned around and said, "I'm excited for tonight." She kissed him and let him go."i'm excited too, see you at 8." She smiled at him as he walked out the office, she quickly grabbed her bag and her car keys, and closed her bunk door, she picked up her phone and saw she had a text from izz "were at the usual Starbucks." She texted back almost immediately."Okay, I'm on my way. I'll be 20 minutes." She walked out into the parking lot. There were only three cars left, Andys , Robert's, and Warren's. "I should probably go tell Ben I'm going to pick them up now." She turned back into the station and walked into the benary, where she saw Ben and Robert sitting and laughing, "Hey warren." They both turned to face her."I'm going to pick them up now. I'll drop them off at about 5:30, Is that okay with you and Bailey?" He nodded "yes that's fine, Miranda doesn't get off till 6 any way, but I'll be home by then." She smiled "Okay perfect see you then." She walked out the door and they continued to talk, before she step all the way out she looked back at Robert and smiled to herself, she walked down the stairs, "so you've got a date tonight?" Robert was confused."What?" He smiled."I overheard you and Andy last night." He instantly went pale."emm, how much did you hear?" He ran his hand over his head."Oh just that, she asked you to go out dancing. You also don't seem like the type of person to dance, by the way." He started laughing."Believe it or not, I'm actually an okay dancer, nothing compared to Andy, but I'm still good at it." He got up from his seat "well, hope you guys have fun, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Robert got up from his seat as well "thanks man, also don't mention it in front of izz, she doesn't know yet." He nodded "Right I'm going to go, I need to get ready for the girls coming." He walked out the bennery and headed to the locker room, Robert already had all his stuff. He left the station, hopped into his car, and headed home.

Andy had just gotten to Starbucks, and the girls and Joey were all staring outside waiting for her, "Oh hey guys, come on, let's go." Joey sat in the passenger seat, and Pru and Izz sat in the back, "how was shopping?" She started pulling out from the space."It was so good." Pru and Izzy both shouted, she turned to Joey."How was it for you." He gave her a look that told her 'horrific.' "they dragged me into about 20 different stores." Andy started laughing."Well, did you get anything?" He shook his head."Nope, saving so I can pay for about half of my med school, Miranda and Ben are helping with the other half." He was texting on his phone,"so you want to be a doctor. What speciality?" He looked up from his phone "oh probably nero or Cardio, stuck between the two." She nodded her head."I think you'll be so good at it." They pulled up at Andy's house "Okay Izz you have 15 minutes to pack a bag, I told Ben I'd drop you guys off at half 5." She got out of the car. Andy, pru, and Joey stayed in the car, izz came out 10 minutes later with her bag filled with everything she would be needing, and she sat in the car, "ready to go." Izzy nodded her head, and Andy drove to Ben's house. They got out of the car, "Bye, mami." Andy rolled her window down "bye mija." Ben walked out to the car."If you want, we'll keep izz till dinner time tomorrow." She smiled, "He told you." He shook his head "nope I overheard you guys, have fun dancing." She shouted back "ahh ill try to come back with brushed feet." He started laughing.

She drove back to go and got ready for her date. She went for a shower and washed her hair, and she got out of the shower to a text from izz "Mami I forgot my toothbrush" She rolled her eyes, "I'll drop it off when I go out tonight." She put her phone down and started blow drying her hair, she curled her hair and walked into her room, she opened her closet and picked out three different light blue dresses, she tried on all three and picked one that was tight at the waist and had a slit up the left leg. She went back into the bathroom to touch up her make-up and to fix her hair. She walked back into her room, grabbed her black heals, and a little over the shoulder bag. When she looked at her phone, she saw Robert's sent a text message 5 minutes ago saying he was on his way.

She went into the bathroom and got izzys tooth brush, she turned all the lights off, befor she grabbed her wallet and keys, she walked out the door and locked it, just intime for Robert's car to pull into her drive way, she walked over to his car and got In, she leand over and kissed him, he noticed the toothbrush "dose my breath smell." He said in a silly tone, "nope, it's for Izzy she forgot it so your going to need to drop me of then drive a few houses up and I'll walk to meet you." He agreed and turned the car on."By the way, you look lovely." She tucked a few hairs behind her ear."You don't look half bad yourself." They both giggled. They pulled up to Ben's she ran out, knocked on the door, and handed izz the tooth brush, she hugged her and ran back to Robert's car. He drove to the salsa bar.

He pulled up into the car park and turned the car off, "Okay, you ready." He turned to face her, she nodded and they headed inside, the whole night they danced and talked a whole lot, it was wrong 1 am when they went back to Robert's, they head upstairs to his room, Robert gave her one of his shirts, Andy went into Izzys room and grabbed a hair tie, they lay in Robert's bed and Andy cuddled into him, she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. "I had a fun time." She said whilst looking up at him, "I had fun too." He kissed her forehead, they lay in bed for a few minutes before Andy had fallen asleep, just as Robert was about to close his eyes he said to Andy "I love you so much Andrea." He closed his eyes, and just like that, he was fast asleep.

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