Chapter Two:Meeting Him

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Christopher sat on the couch as his mother walked around straightening up the house. Christopher had intellectual disability. He couldn't be left by himself for long so he needed a nurse. That way he had someone to watch him. He was a little more challenged than others. He knew wrong from right ,but he didn't know about it in depth. Another reason he needed a nurse. Christopher was diagnosed at the young age of 5. People with risk for his type of disability show symptoms and are diagnosed no older than the age of 18. Him being diagnosed at the young age of 5 was saddening to his mother. She knew he could never have a completely normal life. Always will have to be under supervision, had to have help doing certain things, and he most likely wouldn't get married or have kids.

"Now remember to behave,Christopher. Okay?" His mother reminded looking at the time on her phone. 9:23 a.m.

"Okay. "Christopher managed to say. He fidgeted with his hands and kept his head down. There was a knock at the door and Christopher's mother answered it. There stood Lotus in her uniform. Light blue scrubs.

"Oh,Hello. You must be Lotus?" Christopher's mother greeted with a smile,shaking Lotus's hand.

"Yes ma'am I am. I'm here to sit with um,Christopher today. "

"He's right here. "She said showing her to the living room where Christopher was. Lotus thought for a moment. Wow this is different. I've never had a patient around my age before. He looks normal. He looks perfectly fine. Is he faking? Maybe he's just shy. Lotus thought.

"Well I have to get going. He won't do much. He's pretty quiet. If he gets hungry there's some leftover Sbarro in the fridge for him. "Joyce instructed. Lotus nodded taking in all that she was saying.

"Bye Angel. "Joyce said to her beloved son. He smiled at her.

"Bye Mommy. "He chuckled as she exited. Lotus grinned at the mother and son. The scene she has just witnessed was cute to her. It got quiet again and Christopher went back to playing with his hands. Lotus took this as time to introduce herself to him. She walked in front of him with a smile plastered on her face ,showing off her deep dimples. She bent down so they could look at each other face to face.

"Hi Christopher.." She trailed off.

"Hi. "

"I'm Lotus,and I will be here when your Moms not. So if you need something tell me,okay?" She said softly as she rested her hand on his thigh for steadiness. Christopher jumped at her touch. He was scared out of his mind.

"Okay. "He said simply. Was he shy around her? He seemed kind of scared to. He kept moving He probably wasn't find of meeting new people.

"You don't have to shy,Christopher. You don't have to be scared around me either. I won't hurt you. "Lotus comforted.

"Okay. "Lotus sensed he was still uncomfortable around her. She then came up with an idea.

"How about we learn more about each other?" She suggested. "How old are you?"

"I'm 26. How old are you?" He asked beginning to feel better around Lotus. He thought she was pretty,and he wondered what she thought about him.

"I'm 25. What's your favorite color?"

"Red. "

"Mine is blue."

"You're pretty. "Christopher blurted. Lotus blushed from his kind comment. Christopher blushed furiously putting his head down. Lotus gently lifted his head up.

"And you're very handsome. "She complimented. Christopher turned bright red. No one had ever completed him like that before. They always thought of him as the boy with intellectual disability. Maybe they were just scared if they got attached to him they'd fall in love. And Lotus wasn't scared to. She had already been attached to him.

I love this story so much. It's only the second chapter.
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