Chapter 11

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Tonya POV

It's a deep winter, the snow if piled on the streets, people inside hiding away from the layers of snow and ice. Even criminals are smart enough to stay inside, because as the years went by and the city got worst the weather reflected that.

So the most peaceful times took place during the peak winter holidays. When Christmas and New Years would end, leaving a gap of emptiness and little anticipation for the next holiday.

Here I sit with Miles behind my desk, since he's always around, I ordered a second matching gaming chair for him so we can play together.

He was pleased by it, and now it become his spot when ever he sneaks into my room or wishes to be near me without falling asleep on my comfortable bed. Typing away on my computer as I do a little browsing I stop.

"We need to end Kingpin."

This makes him stop, looking up at me as my words register, "We need to lay out all the connections, the chain of power that leads to Kingpin."

Standing I smile, "We need to uproot them, so when we cut off the head the rest can die out."

Walking over to my closet, I push the clothes out of the way, pulling out a large pin board.

Showing the old school subjects and the various of topics I needed to study I show him. He chuckles a bit, making me smile at the organization proudly, "How else was I gonna pass High School?"

Turning it around to show the blank side, I hand it up on my wall, "This will be our foundation."

Drawing a crown on a sticky note I put it on the top, tossing him a sharpie and a small stack of sticky notes I smile.

"Let's get to work."

This led us to going on an information heist. Every gang we fucked up, thug on the street and criminal on the block answered our questions with little effort. Either running off or being to bloody to say much else.

The only thing we haven't touched are the ones higher up not he food chain, AKA the Police Force and the Politicians.

Two forces that have a chocked hold on the city, from who goes to jail, what laws are passed, and what gets swept under the rug.

One this particular day, as the snow stopped falling leaving cars to disappear under the snow Miles steps in through my front door.

"Chiquita! Ready to go?"

I shout, "Almost!"

With my suit on, I slip on the baggy sweatpants and turtle neck over it. Slipping on my new boots, I walk out with my puffer coat in hand. Smiles gives me a soft smile, making me kiss him on the lips.

"I'm ready."

Looking up at me, he zippins up my coat, pulling the hood up, he kisses my forehead making my cheeks burn.

"Can't let my girl freeze."

I flush at his words, lacing my fingers, we head downstairs, making our way to his Uncles shop. The walk is shitty, but feeling his hand rub my mine, keeps me warmer than I'd like to admit. Heading inside, he closes the door quickly.

"Uncle Aaron!"

I hear the man shout from upstairs, "I'm up here!"

Unzipping our coats, we toss them on the nearby chair. Stretching I notice, Miles gaze shift to my body, giving him a cheeky smile, I peck his cheek.

He wraps an arms around me, kissing me deeply.

Humming quietly, he pulls away, before walking ahead of me. Following after him, we head upstairs to find the Prowlers Hideout.

New and Old.

Uncle Aaron turns around, only to drop the device in his hand as he looks at me in shock.

"What the hell is she doing here?!"

Miles answers smoothly, "She knows."


Waving at him kindly, I pull down the soft fabric, revealing the webbed designs of my suit. He still seems confused so I sigh, slipping it off the sweater to reveal the well known simple design of Spiderwoman.

Feeling a bit chilly Miles slips his under coat around me, I thank him quietly.

"We have bigger problems than me knowing who you and Miles are."

He still processing what the fuck is happening but I continue, "We have a plan to take down Kingpin."

Looking even more shocked Miles rolls his eyes a bit, "Calm down Uncle, we've seen more shocking."

Miles begins to explain the plan, "When Kingpin is down, we need to control the lower streets."

I nod, "We need your fraction, your people to keep the control so shit doesn't hit the fan."

This part is necessary, with vacant power, people are going to try to take Kingpins place. And with the right people backing them up, all of this shit can start over or get worst. Miles trust his Uncle and I trust Miles, he seems capable enough to keep that from happening while the city rebuilds itself and then on.

He digest our words, nodding and smiling at the plan laying out before him. Looking at me he smiles, "Welcome to the family."

I feel warm by his words, I start to see a brighter future ahead. An hour passes and Miles is out getting us some food, my rumbling stomach was all the motivation he needed, leaving me along with his Uncle.

Looking around at the gadgets and items, Uncle Aaron tells and shows me what he and Miles have worked on over the years. I of course play with the various of item, adding my little tips and perks resulting him me editing one of his blueprints.

Seeing the punching bag move slightly, he smiles, "Wanna go?"

I smile, getting in formation, I pull my punches, and he can tell, "Come on, you can do better than that."

I sigh nervously, before covering the punching bag with my webs. He seems fascinated but he whole thing, even more that it's coming from me naturally.

Confused at first I get in position, punching it, the bag falls off its chain, bouncing against the window, it cracks making me curse under my breath.

"Shit! I'm sorry!"

He laughs a bit, "Damn! That was amazing!"

Praising me, I pick up the heavy item with ease, making him even more impressed. Helping him fix it up, he begins to tell me little stories of when Miles first became the Prowler and times when he was a kid.

It was nice hearing about it, and even nicer to bond with the man.

Now, he's my Uncle too.

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