Chapter 22

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Tonya POV

Today is our one year anniversary.

A special day of our day off and relaxing.

Now I know it seems like we do that a lot but I don't tell you every detail of our waking hour and minute.

Wouldn't that be boring?

But do you know what's not?

Forcing the man to play Animal Crossing with me, spending hours teaching him and helping him form his island is entertaining.

Far more than any show.

He's really gotten into it as he curses at the poor selection of villagers. But I get him enough tickets and material to go wherever he needs to build what he wants to.

We order out, wanting to enjoy today.

A year ago I was cleaning up his wounds and taking out a bullet from him.

Now I'm doing this.

The night falls and while he's done my request he wants nothing more than to go patrolling with me.

Since I handle the day and he the night, he wants to fight villains like the shitty days.

How can I say no?

And here I am swinging from building to building as he jumps from rooftop to rooftop.

All is well, all is simple until it isn't.

I get smacked down, by something big heavy and green.

Landing on a abandoned building, I sit in the rubble as the pain sets in.

What the fuck.

Looking up, I see some weird ass shit, that sends rage through me.

It's Kingpin, Scorpion, Old MacDonalds had a farm, whatever you want to call him.

But unlike before he has something attached to him, helping him, making him stronger.

It's nothing I've ever seen and trust me a lot of new villains have been starting to pop up.

The scorpion symbol and red eyes practically glow as the scorpions claw move a bit.

While this is who I know it is, he's not here, he's gone.

Raising his claws he slams them down, making me move out the way quickly. The monster adapts quickly, continuing its rampaging, trying to kill me.

Before it can attack me, Miles shoots it with his blaster.

It's improved, but fuck I'm in pain. Rushing to my side, he helps me up.

Keeping me close, we look at the beast of a man.

"Is that..."


I look at him briefly, "Let's end this."

That's all he needs to hear. Like clockwork, we sync, beating the monster to the best of our ability.

But it doesn't do much, we are practically losing until the loud noises of the old rusty pipe pisses it off.

This give me an idea.

"Think you can hold the fucker off?"

"Consider it done!"

Distracting him I start to build, that's what I do best, it's my job after all.

Putting the pipes in a certain order my webs keep it together. Lifting it up, I shout, "GET HIM IN MY SHOT."

Listening, he leads the beats my way. Dropping the metal clone, he's trapped inside but not for long.

Then I start banging on after Miles slides the top on. I can hear it crying but my webs are keeping it I place.

Hearing the screeching of a beast the the shouts of a man I keep going.

Looking up at Miles, I nod, "Do it."

Lifting the hood, the blaster expands. Looking down with a face filled with determination he shoots.

The blast is strong, very strong as it knock him and I back.

Dirt fills the air, looking at the night sky, I roll over. Sitting up I see Miles stumbling over to me, arm bruised.

Rushing over to him, I help him stand before the both of us make our way over to the makeshift cone.

Kicking it aside, we see the after math if the burnt body and no monster left to be found.

It's over.

It's really over.

Looking at Miles I hold him, he's frozen.

Then he slowly wraps his arms around me.

Looking at the destruction, I speak softly, "I think we need to leave a message."

He looks at me briefly, allowing me to continue, "The city needs another hero, don't you think?"

He nods, getting into our stash, of items scattered around the city.

Retuning with a neon purple spray can we start to make his symbol.

It glows in the night, marking the Prowler.

This is a new beginning, this is a new world.

A new day comes it's the last day of Spring.

I know so far from the end of fall but today is a big day.

Looking at the storage unit, I smile softly, looking at all of my parents things. From furniture to items and clothes.

I couldn't bare to part with it, or give it away.

Closing and locking the garage door, I lock it. Turning around I see Miles leaning against the car.

He smiles at me, "Ready to go?"

Walking over to him, I kiss him gently, "Yeah, just saying goodbye, one last time."

Slipping in the car, we drive off.

Not out the city no, but our new apartment. A fresh start, something we've been planning.

No longer will our former homes haunt us anymore.

Our past won't define us.

I don't spill bloods on my hands, I don't have there blood on my hands.

Driving up to our new place the movers put in the last few boxes. A long afternoon of unpacking and setting up our office/ gaming room, we plop down on the bed.

With a mixture of black, blue and purple, I find a sense of love for it.

Laying on Miles stomach, I smile.

Laughing softly, Miles voice fills the room, beating the low music and soft lights.

"What are you laughing about Princesa."

"Oh nothing, just thinking about how much has changed. It's funny how this is how things turned out, I'm just digesting it all."

Rubbing the back of my hand I smile.

"Princesa, it's Midnight."

Looking up at him I smile, using my web to grab my suit for another night.

Midnight (Miles Morales 42 x OC)Where stories live. Discover now