Ashes (20)

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(I had to delete the last two chapters because my wattpad was fucking up the order of the chapters and not organising right, may have had a mini breakdown but hey ho. If this doesn't fix it I'm yeeting myself off the nearest bridge :D)

I turn around, making a beeline straight back for the demon headmaster.

"Y/n WAIT!!"
"Nah, I'm going right back there for that mother fucker.
Using my kids like little worker rats I swear to GOD he is finished when I get back there!!" I rant as I stomp back down the corridor.

"No, come on, you can get your revenge later, but right now we need to go!" The doctor grabs my sleeve, begging me with his eyes.

I stop and stare, I get lost in them.

For fucks sake.

"Fine." I say, without knowing I was going to say anything.

Dude come on, he is just another white dude, you can do better.

Uh no, he is literally an alien, he has a SPACE SHIP Y/N. HE CAN LITERALLY SHOW YOU THE STARS FOR GOD'S SAKE.

He manages to pry me back towards him and away from the alien that I'd really like to beat within an inch of its life.

We reach the first floor of the school,
Mickey is there with Kenny, one of my younger students.
Sarah's Car is also here...

"did you drive through the window?" I ask outright.

"yes." is all he replies with.

I nod
"Fair do's."

"What's going on?" He turns to the doctor and rose,
Finch rounds the corner, gaining on us with every step.

"We have to go!!" The doctor yells.

We rush towards the canteen as quick as we can, looking over my shoulder every other second to see how much distance we have from the aliens.
Each time I check, it's not far.

"Are they my teachers?" Kenny asks, pointing at the bat like things storming down the corridor towards us
"Yeah. Sorry." Is all the doctor replies with.

".. What about-" Kenny turns to me, panic and distrust across is face.

"Kenny if I was one of them, do you think they'd be chasing after me too?" I ask, maybe a little too harshly but come on.

"We need the Doctor alive. As for the others? You can feast." I hear Finch order from behind us, I hear the flap of their wings as they dive towards us,
We duck underneath a nearby table.

There'd a weird noise that zips overhead, and suddenly one of the krillitanes fall to the ground with a thud.

Finch screams in anger and hatred towards us

"K9!" Sarah exclaims happily, smiling ear to ear. Her eyes light up and it's really nice to see her like this, especially when there's aliens trying to kill us all.

"Suggest you engage running mode, mistress."

Cheeky bugger that dog is.

"Come on! K9, hold them back!" The doctor yells and we all run with him.
"Affirmative, master. Maximum defence mode." the tin dog's metallic like voice rings out, more lasers shoot out, more bat like shrieks fill the air.

We dash out the canteen and run through more corridors and classrooms, we end up in my physics lab.

The doctor slams the doors shut and does a whirry thing with the sonic screw driver.
It lights up blue and now the doors don't open.

Show Me The Stars (Doctor Who x Male! Teacher! Reader) -10-Where stories live. Discover now