Lars and Salem. (6)

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(Picture is Lars.)

Under editing,
Bit of a filler chapter, sorry!

I have a free period to myself just now, after this is break so I take this time to plan my next classes and get some marking done.

My chill thoughts and relaxed atmosphere was disturbed abruptly by my green haired student and their friend.
They're obviously distressed as they almost ran into my desk from the speed they came to my class at.

"MR. L/N! MR. L/N!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, breathe, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly yet calmly.

"Salem! She-she- she's missing!" Finlay and Lars Chambers yell at me, making me push out of my seat quickly.
Lars Chambers is Finlay's best friend, as well as Salem. Salem is Lars' sister, younger than him by nine months.

"Okay, Both of you try to take some deep breaths and think this over, I need you to talk to me."
They nod their heads and walk further into the class.
"Now, when did you last see her?"
"Two days ago." Lars answers.
Okay so she was last seen on Tuesday.

"Okay, where?"
"At school, she said she'd meet up with me at home, she needed to talk to the deputy head teacher about something, Miss Evangelista was busy." He explained.
"Okay, and she didn't come home? Have you texted her and called her?"
Both heads nodded.
I curse under my breath and yell out

"John... JOHN!"
Mr. Smith comes bounding into the class and sees the two distraught teens infront of me and looks at me in question.
"Salem Chambers is missing. This is Finlay Williams and Lars Chambers, Salem's older brother." I explain.

He blinks at me in shock then sits down and asks to be filled in on everything so I inform him of the events and we decide to file a report.

Poor Lars, Poor Salem.

"Right, thank you both for telling me, you should go to class, if you need some time out just ask the teacher, you have my permission to go to the safe space room. Mr. Smith and I will take it from here. Lars, it'll be Okay," I assure while writing a pass for them both and handing it to them.

They both wipe their eyes and leave, before Finlay goes they turn to me and speak again.
"Oh and... yesterday lunch I saw something happen in the kitchen, the dinner ladies were transporting some container and it spilled everywhere and burned one of the ladies, I dont know if she was alright, I'm a bit worried." They confess.
"It's okay Fin, if I see her I'll tell her you're asking for her, yeah?"
They smile and nod once then leave.

I wipe my face with my hand and sigh whilst leaning down and propping my elbows on my desk, holding my face in my hands.
"This school is starting to scare me..." I admit.
Mr. Smith nods slowly in a grim manner.

"Ohh... That's why..." I speak out in realisation.
John looks up at me in confusion
"What? What's why, what?" He splutters.
I look at him in question then blink a few times and look away.

"Finlay has been really quiet and distracted lately, I assume this is why." I admit.
"I have a feeling everything is only going to get worse."

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