Bonding! (5)

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At lunch the next day, Mr. Smith catches up to me as I'm walking to the main office.
"Have you noticed that the school is a bit strange?"
"Hon, That's why I work here."
He replies again, either ignoring or completely oblivious to the fact that I called him hon.

"No, I mean, how old is Milo?"
"About twelve or thirteen. I know, I found it strange yesterday too, I mean, he had no thinking time and I hadn't even learned about the speed of light until I was in about third or fourth year!" I exclaim.

"Something's going on..." He says mysteriously
"And what are you going to do about it, Sherlock?" I tease, narrowing my eyes
"I'm going to fix it. My name isn't Sherlock, it's Th- John." He says, catching himself

r/woosh much?

"Where are you going? Canteen is that way." He asks, pointing to the canteen.
"I am aware," I retort.
I glanced back at him a couple of times and sigh.

"This girl, Nina, she hasn't come to school the past week and a bit, I'm a little worried. I'm going to the office to check through some files before I do something unneeded like file a report for a missing person or something." I explain.

"Well, maybe she's sick, her parents might have kept her at home and forgot to tell the school?" He suggests.

"No, Nina has the best personal hygiene, she's always washing her hands and she never gets sick, ever. And she doesn't have parents, she lives in a children's home."

The teacher looks as if he's trying to work something out as he purses his lips together.

"Right, better have a look then, I'll help." He offers.

I go to argue but then stop myself as I realise I'd probably need a bit of help

We looked through some stuff and asked the office staff if they'd seen or heard Nina anywhere, they said no and I started getting a bit worried when we found out that she didn't return to the children's home last Tuesday.

I glimpse at the clock and let out a string of curses as I flinch,
"I've got to get my next class ready! It's five minutes to the end of lunch!" I exclaim.

Mr. Smith places his hands on my shoulders and relaxes me.
"Breathe... I'll help you sort out your class if you want." He offers.
I nod my head.

In my classroom we've set out some trays of colouring pencils, pens, scissors, glue sticks and a list of things the class's planets should have.
For example a molten core is a must, as well as an atmosphere.

Though life and water is a choice.

There was a load of decorations to put on too, like confetti and glitter.
Ugh, I'm going to have so much fun cleaning up aren't it?

"Hey, look at this." Mr. Smith calls to me.
I hum in response as I look at him.

As I turn around I'm hit with a load of glitter so I hold my arms out in shock.
I look up at him, covered in glitter, my mouth open slightly.

"Oh you are sooo going to get it." I threaten.
He grins at me as if to challenge me.

I grab a whole handful of glitter and blow it at him.
I let out a shriek as he throws more back at me.

The whole time we're laughing so happily.
I grab his hand and pull him towards me, then smear glue on his cheek and slap a load of glitter on him. I pull back and grin at him.

He glares, playfully at me

He nonchalantly turns his body, makes a bowl with his hands, scoops out a load of glitter and dumps it over my head, covering my hair in the sparkling, messy, shreds.
I gasp and shove him back.
He loses his footing and goes tumbling back into the counter.

My eyes widen and I try yelling out a warning
"Watch out for the-"
too late.
He now has yellow splodges of iodine all down his back and I now have a load of glass and spilled iodine to clean up.
He holds his position on the counter for a moment then breathes out a laugh.
I stare at him and laugh with him.

"Here let's get you cleaned up, i have a spare jacket in the back, probably won't fit your suit though, it's leather."

He made a sound of disgust
"Eugh, tried a leather before, didn't suit me. I'll be fine without my jacket it's okay, thanks for the offer though."

I meet his gaze and after a moment's silence we burst into fits of giggles and laughter.
Suddenly a forced cough brings us to attention.
Our laughter is cut short as we freeze in place and look towards the door.

My sixth period class waits patiently outside for us, knowing smirks on each of their faces.

We stammer, lost for words through sheer embarrassment.

"Right, uh, thanks for the help Mr. Smith, if you have any worries don't be afraid to ask. Good bye!" I usher him out the door and bring my class in.

"Getting friendly are we?" Lauren suggests.
"Oi," I say threateningly then smile as I lean back on my desk and look out the door.
"Sorry! Right. Today's lesson, uh, you're finishing off your planets with what's left of our supplies and then handing them in for marking once they're done, capiche?"
The class mutter a very pathetic capiche back.

I exhale in disappointment and nonchalantly lean back and hammer on the metal filing cabinet with my hand and call out a firm "capiche?"
My words are followed by students holding their hands to their ears and letting out a forced 'capiche' in response. I smile and gesture to the papers and tell them to get on with it.

Finlay looks distracted.
I make a mental note to have a chat with them and see what's up.

Show Me The Stars (Doctor Who x Male! Teacher! Reader) -10-Where stories live. Discover now