Break In (Prt1) 16

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Damn the school really looks different at night. All spooky and shit. 

I open a window in the front office and slide through, landing as gracefully as I can on the floor.

In one motion I turn around and close the window with as little sound as possible, I turn on my flashlight and head off to investigate.

Where should I start? Oh yeah. Finch's office, since he came about this school has gone strange. The only staff he hadn't replaced was me and the older teacher John was talking to in the staff room.

As I approach the headmasters door I hear a near screeching sound that makes me stop in my tracks and swivel my head around like a meerkat.

As I strain my ears I can hear footsteps, it sounds like they're running away from me.

One particularly loud screech sets me off running the same direction as the frantic footsteps. My eyes wide open glaring into every room, every corner as to not be jumped.

As I round a final corner I hear scrambling and profuse apologising as layered footsteps come to a halt.

"Sorry! Sorry. It was only me. You told me to investigate so I thought I'd look in some of these cupboards and all of these fell out on me." A spooked male voice rushes out.

I poke my head cautiously round the corner to peek at the scene.

My eyes widen and my eyebrows crease angrily when I see a male with darker skin and really short hair standing in the doorway of a cupboard with what looks like dried and packaged rats all around him, but what has me angry is who else surrounds him.

Rose the dinner lady, Sarah Jane Smith the journalist and lo-and behold, John Smith the good for nothing science teacher.

"Oh my god they're rats... Dozens.. Of rats." Rose breathes out in disbelief

"Vaccum packed rats!" she continues.

John squats and picks up multiple packets, examining them before dropping one and standing up.

"And you decided to scream." He sasses the still recovering male.

"It took me by surprise!" The young male defends himself.

"Like a little girl?" John Lester's teasingly, pulling a face at him.

"It was dark! I was covered in rats!"

"Nine maybe 10 years old. I'm seeing pigtails, frilly skirt." John pokes at him as the man reaches a hand up to touch his head.

"Hello? Can we focus?" Rose snaps sassily at the two earning their full attention

"Does anyone notice anything strange about this? Rats. In school?" Rose suggests looking about.

"Well obviously they use them in biology lessons. They dissect them. Or maybe you haven't reached that bit yet." Sarah Jane states, causing tension between the two girls, she then taunts Rose by asking how old she is which earns her a sneer from the blonde.

"Excuse me--" Rose speaks but I cut her off by stepping out the shadows and sneering at Sarah Jane.

"No-one dissects rats in school anymore. Actually we haven't done that for years." I smack her down. Who does she think she is coming in here and insulting Rose with some dumb facts she thinks she knows?

The group looks at me in shock, the boy from before let's out a freightened gasp at me.

"And who are you?" Sarah Jane sasses me.

Uh I don't think so honey. Nobody sasses me.

"Y/n L/n. The biology and mixed sciences teacher." I snap making her promptly shut up.

"Yeah, where are you from? The Dark Ages?" Rose snaps back at her, obviously still mad.

As Sarah Jane gives an exasperated expression, John cuts in with a drawn  out "Anyway.."

"Y-Y/n what-- what are you doing here?" John asks sheepishly.

"Oh no you do not get to question me. What the hell are you doing here with a dinner lady and a journalist? Who the hell is that?!" I raise my voice slightly at him whilst gesturing to the boy in the cupboard who looks between all four of us whilst holding a confused expression.

"Oh right uh.. Mickey, Y/n, Y/n, Mickey. This is Rose's uh boyfriend. He's helping us with our uh... Yeah.." John trails off.

"I'm sorry what are you even doing here?" I snap, blinking angrily at him.

"No, what are you doing here? You should be at home watching, I dunno, Law and Order." He flips the question back to me.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he cowers slightly.

"I want answers. My students are going missing and everybody is acting like nothing is happening!! What the hell is going on with their performance and behaviour?! I want to know what is going on with my kids." I raise my voice again, trying to keep quiet but unable to withhold my anger.

"We want the same! We're trying to find out what's going on and stop what ever is happening!" John assures me.

"And you didn't think I'd want to know too?" He shuts up and looks around sheepishly.

"You know you make me wonder who the hell you actually are. Are you even the man you say you are? Are you really John Smith?" I accuse.

"Let's just all calm down and work together. Hm? I apologise for not including you, to be honest I didn't even think. I just don't want you at risk of harm" John tries to calm me down but it isn't as effective as he wants it to be.

"Oh no we are so continuing this after we're done here. I'm still mad at you." I spit but cease my argument.

"I still don't get why she's here." I state, motioning to the journalist next to John.

"She's a.. An old friend of mine." John explains but doesn't give more on the matter.

"Moving on. Everything started when Mr Finch arrived. We should go and check his office." John explains and with a turn he throws the vaccum packed rat at mickey, who flinches and scrambles to get it off him.

As we travel down the corridors to get to our destination, I glance at John's clothing choice.

"Uh John, why are you wearing a trench coat?" I ask, my tone slightly judging but not quite mean.

He looks back, slightly offended I brought the matter up.

"Uh excuse you! This is fashion, isn't it?" He defends himself.

"Yeah maybe in the 60s.." I mutter though he doesn't reply. Whether he chose not to hear me or if he genuinely didn't, its unknown.

Rose pipes up, either to stir trouble or if she genuinely wants to know more..

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but who exactly are you?" Rose asks Sarah Jane with a rude tone, pushing past the doctor to get to her now declared enemy.

"Sarah Jane Smith. I used to travel with the Doctor!" She replies with a forced smile.

I crease my eyebrows at that but keep quiet.

"Oh...! He's never mentioned ya." Rose taunts with a grin on her face.

John quickly springs up and tries to save himself.

"Oh I must have done.. Sarah Jane Smith! I mention her all the time.." He says, looking between the two girls whilst rubbing his nose.

He does that a lot when he lies. I think that's his tell.

"Hold on... Sorry... Never." Rose comes to a conclusion abruptly.

"What. Not even once?" Sarah Jane asks, hurt. Rose gives a firm shake of her head

"He didn't mention me once??" The two girls speed off ahead.

"Oh-hoh!!" Mickey yells, slapping a hand down on John's shoulder as we come to a slow to gather distance from the females.

"Mate.. The Missus and the Ex! Welcome to every man's worst nightmare." He jokes, earning a stern look from John, obviously not amused.

John speeds ahead, rushing to the door.

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