It's You.. (18)

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I look over at the two in the window seat, Sarah Jane looks deflated after a comment John gave but he doesn't notice, too busy focusing on the tin dog.

I zone out Rose and Mickey's conversation as I stare at John.

His stupid brown hair and his stupid suit and his stupid smile and stupid eyes and the stupid things he makes me feel..

So stupid..

They look at each other meaningfully and for a moment I expect them to lean in and share a kiss but Sarah Jane looks down, seemingly upset.

Their hushed tones raising slightly and I can catch short words from Sarah Jane, her tone pained.

"Drop me back... No!... Splendor-... Then we..." Was all I could catch before their voices became hushed again.

"Aberdeen!" She yells suddenly and the two stare at each other silently for a hot second before K-9 let's out a whir and springs to life making John let out a sound of excitement and joy.

He drums on the table and jumps up to inspect his handiwork.

The dogs once dead visor now glowing a soft red, it let's out shirt robotic words as John beams and practically yells

"He recognises me!" He looks back at me with a certain happiness in his deep brown eyes.

"Affirmitive." The tin dog confirms as I sidle up the side of John.

John calls for the oil causing Rose to pull out a tub of a viscous, yellow substance.

John unscrews the lid and goes to shove a finger in it.

"I wouldn't touch it.. That dinner lady got all scalged." Rose informs him, to which John replies insisting he isn't no dinner lady.

I laugh at him and look away, a flustered smile on my face.

"And I don't often say that.." He assured us.

John resumes his task and smears the oil on K-9's tiny plunger. It retracts into the metal dog's forehead and it's back flashes different coloured lights.

John let's out small affirmations, urging the dog along.

Mickey laughs at K-9's narration which earns him a stern telling off from Sarah Jane, prompting him to shut up swiftly.

"--substance is Krillitane Oil." K-9 concludes.

John and I share a look, both holding the same expression.

"Oh my god you weren't making it up! The chips are being cooked in Krillitane oil!" I speak loudly and point at John.

Rose and Sarah Jane give me a pointed and confused look but John looks straight ahead, his expression so serious I start to get worried.

"They're Krillitanes.." He speaks quietly.

"The bat people things? Those are Krillitanes? That's how the oil is getting into the school?!" I speak quickly, coming to the same realisation as John..

"Hang on, how does new guy know more than we do? I thought he was out of the loop like I usually am?!" Mickey asks, slightly offended

"Bitch Boy came knocking on my door at 4am to yell at me about the chips being bad." I explain to them much to John's dismay. His adorable face adorably tinged pink with adorable embarrassment

"Wait, so Krillitanes.. Is that bad?" Rose asks, invested in the situation.

"Very." John speaks slowly ams serious.

"Think how bad things could possibly be and add another suitcase full of bad." I quote John from the night he came hammering on my door.

"And what are Krillitanes?" Sarah Jane asks.

"They're a composite race. Just like your culture is a mixture of traditions from all sorts of countries, people you've invaded or have been invaded by, you've got bits, bits of Viking, bits of France, bits of whatever.." John recites in one breath, looking around all of us, making sure he has our undivided attention.

"The Krillitanes are the same. An amalgam of the races they've conquered. But they take physical aspects as well. They cherry-pick the best bits from the people they destroy." he continues, his expression darkening slightly with every sentence, pronouncing every word with poison.

"That's why I didn't recognize them. The last time I saw Krillitanes, they looked just like us except they had really long necks." He speaks directly to me this time, making my heart beat faster.

"They're aliens.. Oh my god. That day with the Daleks.. I didn't imagine it, I knew I wasn't crazy!" I exclaim, realisation hitting me full force like a bus, I look around the chip shop as if seeing reality for the first time, my hands thrusted out to steady myself.

"... It's you. Oh my god, it's you." I stop, looking pointedly at the man who goes by John Smith.

He looks at me, his expression slightly pained.

"I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to lie to you, I had to." He speaks, his tone softened to match his gaze.

"You're the Doctor. Ohh god.. Oh my god." I state, my head going fuzzy with the realisation making me have to sit down.

"Oh great, he does know more than us." Mickey throws his hands up in annoyance, earning a glare from Rose and the Doctor.

"Fucking sick. Oh my god this is awesome!" I finally let out, I beam brightly at the Doctor.

"Wait so how does he know who you are? He knows about the Daleks.." Rose speaks up.

"He remembers the day when the Daleks took over and moved the earth. He was involved with the bomb testing. He remembers it all." John says solemnly.

I gain a look of sympathy from Rose but she doesn't say anything.

"Wait so back to the Krillitanes.. What are they doing here?" I speak up, remembering the topic at hand.

John's expression hardens in though then goes dead once more as he looks ahead, anger in his eyes.

"It's the children.. They're doing something to the children...." He declares making me go rigid, my eyes hardening with hate and fury.

Oh hell no.

Not my kids.

Nobody touches my kids.

Nobody. Touches. Them.

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