Caffeine Prt 2. (13)

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Wa-hey! Two long-is chapters in the space of a few hours?
Smells like progress.

I split this chapter into two because the last one was meant to have fluff in it but it got too long, so here. Have fluff.

(tw, panic attack.)

The kids seem to be getting the hang of this.

They know their stuff.
Even Lauren is managing.

Even though I'm forming decipherable sentences, I can feel a weight forming in my chest, dropping to my stomach.

I keep looking around the room at all of the kids and wondering.
"who's next?"

There's already two missing seats from the class.
Two isn't a lot but when youre watching to room, it seems almost empty.

Like there's nobody in the room.
How many more kids are going to go missing?

I can't do this.

I take a deep breath.

"Finlay." I call out, not even realising.

The room goes silent. Waiting on an answer.

"Uh.. Can you take over for me, I need to do something." I ask, the green haired teen stands up and takes the question and answers sheet from me, allowing me to dash out the room, past John's class and into the staff bathroom.

I stand staring at the mirror, my previous paranoia and anxiety creeping up behind me, so real I can almost see a shadow looming behind me.

I whimper, making me cover my mouth and hand my head over the sink, my tears fall down the drain, much unlike all my fears surrounding the school and the kids I teach.

My breathing becoming laboured and a burden, I can't breathe in properly and I start to feel as though I'm beginning to asphyxiate.

I claw at my throat, tilting my head back to try and consume some air but it doesn't work.
I gasp loudly, trying so hard to breathe but I just can't.

I start crying more, scared that I won't be able to breathe again, scared that I'm going to die here from loss of air.

I can hear faint yelling from my class, as the groups get heated in debate and support, screaming at the scribe to write the answer down as fast as they can.

It only makes me worse, I sink down into a fetal position on the floor, I back into the closest toilet stall, shielded from the bathroom door.

I flinch as I hear said bathroom door slam open and hear rushed steps approaching me.

I shuffle backwards, my back hitting the toilet making me flinch forward.

My mind assuming the worst as the footsteps grow louder.

Oh my god, what if its a kryllitane.
Is it going to kill me?
I'm actually going to be taken away.

You don't even know what a kryllitane looks like!
It doesn't matter because it's right there and it's going to steal me away!

I hug my body tighter and recoil from fingers touching my arms. I thrash around, avoiding being touched.

"hey hey hey, calm down. It's me. It's John."

My eyes snap open as the smooth, comforting voice fills my ears.


I snap my head up at the man clothed in an oversized trench coat and worn out converse.

Tears stream down my soft cheeks, as I stare up at John's concerned expression.

I sob quietly as his gentle fingers grace across my face, brushing away the tears from my eyes.

His hand trails round to the back of my head, his fingers curling around the short tufts of hair. He pulls me into his chest, I resist slightly.

"No, I'll get your shirt all wet." I protest

"I have other shirts, it's fine. Come here."
I nod slightly and melt into his embrace.

I screw my eyes shut as I feel another wave of tears coming, I bury my head into John's chest as I cry quietly.

His fingers drawing soft circles into my back and trailing along my shoulders.

He utters sweet nothings into my hair in an attempt at calming me down.

My fingers curl into his coat as I hold him tighter. My breathing regulating slightly, with small hiccups here and there as my breathing syncs with John's.

After a small while I calm down, but don't let go.

I rest the side of my head on John's chest rather than my face being buried in it.

"Is this in correlation to why you were high on caffeine?"

I hesitate slightly before nodding.

John's head nods back slowly.

"Want to tell me what's up?" he tries.

I hesitate again before trying to speak. Only to find that with all my crying and gasping, I can't talk.

John pulls me up and guides me over to the sink.

I press the top of the tap down and gather some water in my palms.

The feeling of cold water on my hot, red face is enough to calm me down further. I feel tired now.

I dry my face off with a paper towel and sigh deeply.

"I was worried." I say, after taking a swig from the water bottle John gave me.

"the kids. I was thinking about what Rose said, that the kids might be being used by these kryllitanes. I don't like that. If that's what happening I promise I will stop it."

John inches closer to me.

"I don't like it either. I don't know what they would want with the kids. But I know it's nothing good."

"I can't stand the sight of my class any more. There's too many seats empty. I can't do this anymore. I can't... Do this... Anymore." I force out.

He nods in understanding.

I lean into him, my head resting on his shoulder.

I feel him shift slightly then settle as his arm pulls me closer and rests on top of my hand.

"I love my job. But I can't keep coming in, terrified for mine and the kids' lives." I tell him.

"Oh I know. Don't you worry, I know.. I promise you I will find out exactly what is happening and I will end it.

We let the conversation end there and our breathing starts to sync again.

The silence filled with our long breaths, the sound of our clothing moving with the steady motion of our lungs expanding and then falling back again, in repeat.

This is nice.
I like this.

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