Chapter 12:Rengoku-san!?

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You swung the sword up and down, side to side.

It been days since you started training with Rengoku, so far, all he had made you do was sword swings.

You felt your arms cry for a break and you stopped.

"Continue!"Rengoku yelled with a triumphant smile.

You looked surprised before you nodded and continued the sword swings.

"More! Harder!"Rengoku yelled, arms crossed.

"No more Rengoku-san!"You yelled as you fell down.

Rengoku walked up to you, his hand to his chin as if in though, he took his hand off before smiling.

"You seem tired! Rest now my student!"

You sighed in relief.

At least, a break.

"You seemed to have rested enough! Let's continue!"Rengoku suddenly blurted out.


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