Chapter 7:Lady Tamayo! Muzan Kibutsuji!

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It was evening, the sky a vibrant orange as the sun was disappearing at the horizontal.

"What is your name?"Muzan asked.

"Tamayo."Tamayo replied.

Muzan walked towards you.

"Y/N, this is Tamayo."Muzan said.

"Tamayo, this is Y/N, she would be the one to lead us to the Blue Spider Lily as we demons cannot walk in the sun."Muzan explained.

"Hii!"You greeted as you waved at Tamayo.

Tamayo bowed, her eyes gloomy and emotionless."At your service, lady Y/N."

"Y/N, lead the way."Muzan said.

"Right! Give me a sec!"You said before placing a hand on your chin.

You read somewhere that the Blue Spider Lily was started growing where Yoriichi buried his wife Uta but where was grave site located.

"This way!"You yelled as you started in a random direction.

It's seems your death sentence is closer than it should have been.

Nope, nope.

You weren't gonna let that happen!

It was night time, the sky now a vibrant blue, stars twinkling.

You huffed as sweat dripped from your face, knees trembling.


"Kibutsuji-sama."Tamayo called.

"She is tired, carry her Tamayo."Muzan said.

You yelped as Tamayo suddenly lifted you up.

Well, this is embarrassing.

"We need to find somewhere to rest, it may be sunrise soon."Muzan said and started in a different direction.

You, Muzan and Tamayo arrived at a small shoji house.

Muzan walked up the steps, he removed one hand from his kimono sleeves before knocking on the door.

The door slid open to reveal a very young looking man.

By this time, Tamayo had set you down.

"Can I help you?"The young man asked.

Muzan put on a nice facade."We are sorry to border you at this time of the night but me and my wife were returning home with our daughter when it became late, we were looking for somewhere to stay when we found your house, can you help us?"Muzan asked.



Did you even look like ordinary people?

"Mmm, yes come in, right this way."The man said as he allowed you, Muzan and Tamayo entry.

The house was small, tatami floors, only two shoji doors leading to other rooms probably the kitchen and bedroom.

"Make yourself at home, I'm Yamato by the way and this is my wife Sato."The man introduced.

You turned to see a pregnant woman sitting on the tatami.

Was she in her last stage of pregnancy, her stomach was pretty huge.

Was it twins?

You gasped as you saw Muzan's eyes widen at the sight of the pregnant woman and Tamayo trying to control herself.

Why did you get a feeling, this night was going to end in bloodshed?

"Oh we have guests, I will make something."The woman Sato said and made to stand up.

"No, I would take care of everything, you rest."Yamato said as he sat his wife down.

Yamato later returned with three dishes of takoyaki."Here, I know it is not much but my wife usually does the cooking."

You sat there on the tatami floor, knowing this man's fate had already been decided.

Muzan stood up."In order to thank you for your outmost kindness..."

Muzan raised his hand."Death."

"Ah?"The man said questionably.

Muzan smacked him sending him flying across the room and colliding with the wall.

"Yamato!"His wife screamed.

You gasped.

Muzan turned to his wife, his mouth drooling at the sight of him pregnant woman.

She covered her stomach protectively."W-What are you?"

You backed away until you were at the entrance.

"Leave her!"Her husband screamed going to attack Muzan only to be smacked away again.

Tamayo was trying to hold her self back as she saw blood drip from the man's now injured head.

You placed your hand on the shoji door.

Muzan pounced at the pregnant woman, his eyes showing bloodthirsty hunger, his nails extended, ready to pierce flesh.

That was it.

You threw open the shoji door before backtracking outside.

You stumbled down the steps before falling down at the end.

You watched, seated on the ground as screams came from inside the house, blood splattering everywhere before everywhere went quiet.

You climbed up the steps before peeping inside the house.

The tatami floors covered in blood.

Tamayo sat in a corner, trembling, mouth watering trying to control her hunger.

Muzan stood up, covered in blood, the woman laid in a tangle of limbs, unrecognizable.

You couldn't help it.

You gagged before throwing up all over the floor.

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