Chapter 11:The Flame Hashira!?Rengoku-san?!

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"Head south! Head south! Reports of young girls aged 14-15 have been going missing! Head south! Head south!"Rengoku's Kasugai crow Kaname shouted as he flow above his head.

Rengoku stopped walking before taking a deep breath.

Total Concentration Breathing.

He broke into a sprint, his hand on his sword sheathe.

The sky was a vibrant orange and yellow as it was evening, the sun setting at the horizontal when Rengoku arrived.

"It looks like it's still early! There is still time to catch the demon!"Rengoku said with a big smile.

Rengoku walked through the village.

The place was oddly deserted, Rengoku walked to a shoji door before knocking on it.

A man rolled open the door."Can I help you?"

Rengoku noticed the hurriedness in the man's voice so he tried to make himself less intimidating."Hello! I heard there are activities of demons in this village! Can you help me!?"

"Looking for a demon? Are you out of your mind? Stay in your house! The demon would be here! The sun is going down!"The man said and slid his door shut.

Rengoku stared at the closed shoji door before smiling."It looks like I would have to find the demon myself!"

The sun had already finished setting, the sky now a vibrant blue with a full moon in the clouds.

Rengoku patrolled the village, looking for any signs of unusual activity.


Rengoku's eyes widened as he heard a cry for help.

He quickly jumped off the roof he was on before landing on the ground and breaking into a sprint.

The view of a demon hovering above a girl came into view.

Rengoku drew his sword."Flame Breathing."

Rengoku ran at high speed and in one slash, Rengoku decapitated the demon's head.

"Unknowing Fire!"

You sat there on the ground, your mouth wide in surprise.

Was that!?

Kyojuro Rengoku!?

The Flame Hashira!?

Rengoku turned to you, a optimistic smile on his face."Are you okay miss?"

You finally found your voice."Yeah."

"That is good! But I most leave now miss!"Rengoku said before turning around to walk away.

"Wait!"You yelled as you grabbed until his haori.

Rengoku turned to you with a questioned hum.

You realized what you were doing before letting go off his haori and getting up.

"I didn't mean to-I have no where to go."You said finally.

Rengoku smiled."There is an orphanage-"

"I want you to train me."You said.

Rengoku stared at you.

"I mean to train me to become a Demon Slayer, I want to fight demons just like that."You said.

Rengoku smiled."What is your name?"

"Mmm, Y/N L/N."You replied.

"Well Y/N! Follow me! From this day you become my student!"Rengoku said as he started walking away.

"Right."You said and followed after him.

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