Chapter 3:Demon King?! The Blue Spider Lily!?

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You cowered at a corner and watched as the doctor treated Muzan, you had somehow managed to stay hidden in the Kibutsuji Mansion.

The doctor pounded some herbs, you gasped as you realized one of them.

The Blue Spider Lily?!

The doctor walked towards Muzan before giving him the herbs.

Muzan coughed weakly after taking them and laid back down.


You couldn't believe it, the powerful and ruthless Demon King was lying in his sick bed, it looked like something out of a fake fan website.

Muzan growled angrily, he wasn't feeling any better.

Could this doctor have tricked him.

He stood up slowly, teeth gritting, veins popping on his head.

The doctor turned around just in time to see the angry Muzan.

Muzan outstretched his hand and grabbed the doctor neck, squeezing it.

Your eyes widened, crawling back in fear and surprise.

You had never seen someone die expect in the movies.

Muzan twisted the doctor's neck to the side and a loud crack resonated within the room.

You gasped but quickly covered your mouth.

The doctor's body fell to the ground with a loud thud as Muzan let it go.

Muzan suddenly felt better, had the drug really worked.

Suddenly, his mouth began to water uncontrollably as he stared at the dead body of the doctor.

Blood spattered on the ground as Muzan ripped the body to shreds, covering himself in blood.

You couldn't watch, it was gruesome and you thought you were going to heave.

Muzan lifted his head up.

Flesh, blood.

He needed it!

Your eyes widened in fear and you got to feet, oh no...

You ran as fast as you could before climbing out a window and falling down outside.

Screams came from inside the mansion as Muzan slaughtered his own family in his crazy daze.

The guards of the mansion tried to stop him but they were slaughtered mercilessly.

The entire mansion engulfed in flames, wood creaking as fire burnt them.

You remembered the times, you wished you were in Demon Slayer, away from always trying to meet up with your mother's expectations, reading for tests, dealing with bullies and enduring your mother and father constant falling marriage.

By now, your school uniform was dirted from the sand, you turned around and ran away into the forest, running as fast as you could.

Muzan stumbled out of the still burning mansion, the burns on his skin healing quicker than anything, covered in blood before collapsing to the ground.

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