Chapter 16:You Become A Demon Slayer

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You huffed as you carried your heavy bag, you had passed the final selection, you had gotten your crow and chosen the ore for your sword and also your uniform which you had gotten and was carrying in your bag.

You smiled, Rengoku was going to be so happy.

You could already see him turning around and complimenting you as soon as you enter the Rengoku estate.

You walked through the gate of the Rengoku estate to see Rengoku waiting for you.

"Rengoku!"You called as you ran up to him.

"Y/N!"Rengoku greeted as he walked up to you.

You suddenly jumped up before hugging him."I passed the Final Selection! I'm finally going to become a Demon Slayer!"

Rengoku looked surprised before smiling and patting your head."I'm proud of you Y/N!"

You realized you were hugging Rengoku before separating from him.

"Sorry."You apologized before bowing."Master."

Rengoku smiled."No worries! Go inside and try out your uniform! This victory calls for a celebration! I would make us something to eat!"

You nodded with a smile."Right!"

You sat in front of a mirror arranging the collar of your Demon Slayer uniform, it was nothing much, it looked like Shinobu's. Long sleeved and hakama pants.

You were folding your school uniform, there one you had, you patted it as you felt something and removed it.

You gasped.

The Blue Spider Lily?!

How had you not noticed it when you were changing.

It looked okay but you needed to keep it well, this thing was an artifact, no one could know of it.

You bought out a small wooden cup before filling it with soil after that, you slowly inserted the the flower, keeping it at a place that the sun would beat it daily.

You sighed before sitting down staring at your dirted uniform, staring at your school badge.

You wouldn't lie, you found yourself wondering if you ever go back home.

Chatting with friends or just being a teenager.

You sighed.

You suddenly remembered something, you got up before walking to your wardrobe and opening it and you saw it.

The haori Rengoku gave you as a gift, you smiled as you carried it up.

White with the tips and edges fading to into a purple hue.

You put it on before sighing remembering his words.

"When you're done with your training, if you pass the Final Selection, I want to see you wear this haori with your Demon Slayer uniform."

The was a knock at the shoji door and you rolled it open.

Rengoku stood there, he seemed surprised that you actually wore the haori."I'm surprised you wore it Y/N!"

"Why not, it's a really fine gift."You repiled.

"Right! Anyway, the food is ready! Let's celebrate!"Rengoku said as he walked away.

"Right!"You said as you followed after him.

"This is good Rengoku, where did you learn to cook like this?"You asked as you ate your ramen.

"Really, you enjoy it?"Rengoku asked.

"Yeah, it's good."You repiled.

Suddenly, the was a knock at the door.

"That must be the swordsmith, come with me Y/N!"Rengoku said as he got up and walked to the door.

You got up and followed after.

You sat there, Rengoku by your side watching intensively and the swordsmith handing the sword to you.

You were worried, you hadn't used any Breathing Styles during the Final Selection.

"Go on Y/N."Rengoku said, still watching intensively.

You nodded and took the sword before taking in a deep breath and removing the sword from it sheath, you put the sheath aside and raised the sword waiting for something to happen.

Slowly, the sword turned to darkest purple colour.

"Y/N."Rengoku called.

"Wow!"You said."It actually paid off."

"What?"Rengoku sounded confused.

You smirked."Void Breathing."

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