Chapter 19:Mugen Train

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Manga spoilers for Mugen Train ahead and the following chapters!

As you were walking back from your mission, you saw Rengoku leaving the gate of the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"Rengoku-san?"You called.

"Y/N you're back!"Rengoku replied.

"Yeah, where are you off to?"You asked.

"I recently received a mission!"Rengoku replied as he continued walking.

"About what?"You asked as you walked along side with him.

"Strange things have been happening on the Mugen Train so I was sent to investigate!"Rengoku explained.

And it suddenly hit you, the Mugen Train Arc?!

But doesn't Rengoku die in this arc?

But you could prevent his death!

Good idea!

"Rengoku, may I come with you on this mission?"You asked.

"Don't you need to report your mission was successful?"Rengoku asked back.

"That can come later, plus I could make up I was delayed by the demon so please, this could be a way I could learn from you to become a perfect Demon Slayer!"You said.

Rengoku though of it before smiling."Okay, but keep up!"

Rengoku said before he used Total Concentration Breathing to take off without you.

"Wait up!"You yelled as you also chased after him.

You and Rengoku had arrived at the Mugen Train, you currently ordered some bento boxes and were eating them in train.

"Delicious!"Rengoku yelled continuously as he ate his own bento.

"Um... Excuse me."

Someone said and you looked up to see...


Not only him but also Inosuke and Zenitsu?!

What were there doing here?!

Well, of course they were characters present during the Mugen Train Arc.

"Delicious!"Rengoku yelled one more time in Tanjiro's face.

"I totally get that."Tanjiro replied.

You were currently finished with your bento and the waitesses were having a hard time packing it up.

You sat a bench away from Rengoku wondering when they were going to notice you.

"Excuse me?"You said slowly as you raised your hand up.

"Oh, who is this?"Tanjiro asked as he noticed you.

"That's my tsuguko, Y/N L/N!"Rengoku introduced.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Tanjiro."Tanjiro said.

"Nice to meet you too."You replied.

Just then, a loud noise was heard and your attention was drew to Inosuke hanging out the window and Zenitsu trying to hold him back.

"Whoa! It's so fast!"Inosuke yelled as he hanged out.

"Be careful you idiot there are limits to your stupidity you know!"

"I'm gonna go run alongside! I'll race it to see who's faster!"Inosuke yelled.

"Better not! We have no idea when the demon would appear!"Rengoku said.

"No way, there is a demon on this train!"Zenitsu yelled and started freaking out.

"Yep!"Rengoku replied bluntly.

"Gyaah, were not traveling to it! It's here! Gyaah! I am getting off!"Zenitsu yelled.

"Over 40 people have disappeared on this train! The corps sent a few swordmen but then they all went silent! That's why I'm here!"Rengoku explained.

"Ohhh! That makes sense! I'm still getting off!"Zenitsu yelled.

You chuckled.

"Oh, those are my friends, Inosuke and Zenitsu."Tanjiro introduced.

"Right!"You replied.

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