Chapter 21:Upper Moon 3:Akaza?!

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You, Zenitsu and Nezuko had been fending off the train when suddenly there was a loud boom and the train started tilting.

Everything seemed to float and started to loose gravity.

Tanjiro and Inosuke must have successfully defeated the demon!

You grabbed until a chair and held on.

The train slammed around for a bit before suddenly coming to a stop.

You panted as you let go and finally relaxed.

You smiled in relief and happiness.

You successfully protected the train!

Your eyes snapped wide when you remembered something.

Upper moon 3...

Rengoku's death was near.

You had to prevent that.

You leaped to your feet and climbed out a window that was shattered.

You landed on your feet and spotted Rengoku and Tanjiro.

"Rengoku-san!"You yelled as you ran towards them.

"Are you okay?"You asked when you finally arrived close to Rengoku.

Rengoku placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled."I'm fine Y/N!"

Well that was a relief until...


Upper Moon 3.

A demon crouched in the distance, his body covered in blue tattoo like lines.


Rengoku grabbed the hilt of his sword and crouched protectively in front of Tanjiro.

You also grabbed the hilt of your sword.

Akaza seemed to spot Tanjiro first and dashed at him.

"Flame Breathing Second Form..."

"Rising Scorching Sun!"

Rengoku had almost cut into the entirety of Akaza's arm but he was quick to pull away.

Akaza jumped away before landing and healed his arm.

"Nice katana."He complimented as he licked some blood off his hand.

"Now why would someone as powerful as you attack the wounded first?"Rengoku asked.

"I thought he might interrupt the conversation we're about to have."Akaza said.

"What are we going to talk about? This is our first meeting and I already hate you."Rengoku replied.

"Of course, I also hate weak humans, when I see weakness my skin crawls."Akaza said.

"You and I have different values."Rengoku said.

"Aha, then I have a great idea."Akaza said."Why don't you become a demon?"

"Hmmm...No thanks."Rengoku disagreed.

"I can tell your strength by looking at you."Akaza continued."You're a Hashira right? You've developed your fighting spirit to the edge of perfection."

"I'm the Flame Hashira Rengoku Kyojuro."Rengoku introduced himself.

"I am Akaza, let me tell you Kyojuro, why your power will never reach perfection."Akaza said before pointing at Rengoku."It's because you're human. Because you age. Because you'll eventually die."

"Become a demon Kyojuro, if you do, you can train for hundreds of years and keep getting stronger and stronger."Akaza offered.

You looked to Tanjiro on ground to see him fidgeting, probably trying to get up before turning your focus on Akaza and Rengoku.

To your surprise, they had started fighting, Rengoku swinging at Akaza with Breathing Techniques and Akaza dodging and leaping away.

You needed to protect Rengoku or he was going to get killed.

You drew your sword and got in a fighting stance.

Tanjiro on the ground was trying to get up.

"Don't move! If your wounds open you'll die! It's not your time to fight yet!"Rengoku yelled at Tanjiro.

You gripped your sword.

Need to protect Kyojuro...

By now Inosuke had arrived standing beside you and Tanjiro.

A huge technique collide happened and the dust cleared to reveal Akaza but Rengoku had lost an eye and was bleeding.

"Rengoku!"You yelled.

You couldn't stand around any longer.

You charged at Akaza and leaped into the air.

Rengoku noticed you."Y/N no!"

"Void Breathing First Form!"

You yelled as you raised your sword up as purple threads formed around it.

"Endless Void!"

Purple threads formed a tornado around you and Akaza.

This would be enough.

It would distract him and you would cut off his head in one slash.


To your surprise and shock, Akaza had used his arm to block, the blade stuck in his thick flesh.

"That would have worked if I hadn't reacted quickly, what kind of Breathing Style was that? But fortunately for you, I neither fight nor eat women."Akaza said.

"Y/N!"Rengoku yelled as he got between you and Akaza and knocked you back.

You skidded before stopping beside Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Stay back!"Rengoku yelled and continued to fight Akaza.

An explosion happened and the dust began to settle.

You gasped as you saw Akaza had stabbed Rengoku with his arm.

Tears welled in your eyes.

Had you failed?

"Die! You're finished Kyojuro! Give in! Say you'll become a demon!"Akaza yelled.

To your surprise, Rengoku gripped his sword and started to slice through Akaza's neck.

Akaza swung a fist but Rengoku caught it.

You looked up at the sky to see the sun was rising.

Tanjiro had retrieved his sword and dashed at Akaza along with Inosuke.

You followed after.

Akaza seeing the sun, tore off both of his arms and ran away into the trees.

Tanjiro threw his sword and yelled after him.

Rengoku fell to his knees, bleeding out.

You had failed, Rengoku still dies in the end.

You watched as Inosuke and Tanjiro cried around him.

"And Y/N, continue to get stronger and stronger, never give up, things will come your way but you have to keep moving."Rengoku said to you before bowing his head.

"Never gave up, things will come your way but you have to keep moving."

Your parents divorce.

Tears welled in your eyes.

It was bound to happen.


Everything started falling apart like a conscious fading and breaking away.

And it was only darkness.

Void Breathing First Form: Endless Void.

When used, purple threads from a tornado around the opponent meant to distract or confuse the opponent long enough to behead them.

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