Never Give up, Things Will Come Your Way But You Have To Keep Moving

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Someone was calling you.



You opened your eyes to come face to face with your mom, her face filled with worry.

"Are you okay honey? I came to see you but you were unconscious in your room!"Your mom shook your shoulders.

You gasped as you realized you were in the hospital in your school uniform.

"Never give up, things will come your way but you have to keep moving."

"Mom,"You sniffled."Are you and dad actually divorcing?"

Your mom looked away."I know it's hard but you would be getting to see him once in a while but hey, let's take things one at a time! Tell you what, I would let you visit friends and be a teenager, don't think of this, this is a grown up's job."

Keep Moving.

You chuckled."Yeah, a grown up's job."

"I will call the doctor to run some tests, if you're fine, we can go home."Your mother said.

"Right, go home."You sighed.

"I'm gonna go call the doctor."Your mom said before leaving the room.

"Right."You relaxed in your bed.

You wondered what that was, you were in Demon Slayer and now here.

You smiled.

You were just glad to be home.

It would take some adjusting.

Never give up, things will come your way but you have to keep moving.

Keep moving.

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