Chapter 4: First Priority

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Ext. Metaverse – Later

Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke and Morgana are inside of the Metaverse in Shibuya, staring up at the giant bank, floating above them, trying to come up with a plan to reach it. They are wearing their Metaverse costumes and Morgana is in his anthropomorphic form.

Ryuji Sakamoto: DAMN IT! I can't think of shit!

Ann Takamaki: Calm down. Yelling about it isn't solving anything.

Ryuji Sakamoto: We have to take this asshole down, though! We can't waste any more time! Not after what happened to Makoto!

Yusuke Kitagawa: Joker still isn't here...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, he didn't say a word to me all day today...he just gave me Mona, again, after school, and told me to look after him for a bit.

Morgana: My man is deep in his feels for sure...I can't even get a reaction out of him.

Ann Takamaki: He didn't say anything to me in class today, either. I hope he's alright. This isn't his fault. We all fucked up.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Indeed. We were much too harsh on Makoto. She did help us find the palace so, the least we could have done, is let her assist us. I...never knew she would go to such lengths, though...

Ann Takamaki: She's always been determined...

Ryuji Sakamoto: How many people are going to get hurt because of this guy? First Mishima and now Makoto! It's only a matter of time, before he hurts someone else we know. It's so frustrating that all we can do is sit on our asses down here!

Yusuke Kitagawa: None of us can figure out a way to get up to the bank. Perhaps...we should leave for the day.

Morgana: We all just need to stay level headed. Considering how dangerous this guy is, we can't rush this.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I don't want any of us getting hurt by acting foolish. We'll try, again, with Joker. Maybe, he'll be able to come up with something?

Ryuji takes out his phone and loads up the navigation app. Ryuji speaks into the phone.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Exit Navigation.

Navigation App: Exiting Navigation.

The world around the group begins to return to normal as they walk off.

Int. Niijima Residence – Evening

Sae opens the door to their house and lets Makoto walk in, first. Makoto walks, slowly, still in pain. Makoto looks around the house, sadly. Sae makes her way inside of the house and shuts the door behind them.

Sae Niijima: You...probably could use a shower. If you need any help or anything...

Makoto Niijima: It's...fine.

Makoto limps towards the shower that the two sisters share. She makes her way into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. Sae goes into Makoto's room, gets a pair of fresh clothes for her sister and leaves her room. Sae places the pair of clothes right outside of the bathroom door so Makoto can change into them, after her shower. Sae puts her ear to the bathroom door to make sure she can hear Makoto still, out of concern. She hears movement and it calms her down. Sae leans against the bathroom door and slouches against it.

Int. Niijima Residence – Continuous

Makoto is nude in her bathroom, after undressing and her back can be seen, showing tons of bruises scattered across it. Her thighs are also bruised and cut. Her right forearm is covered in picking marks, with three of the marks scarring worse than the others. Makoto turns on the shower and waits for the water to get hot.

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