Chapter 27: The King's Game

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Int. Shujin Academy – Moments Later

Makoto and Eiko are in the girl's restroom and Eiko is finishing up with Makoto's makeup. Makoto's makeup is no longer running down her face.

Eiko Takao: Well, it isn't exactly perfect but that's probably as good as I can get it.

Makoto Niijima: Thanks. I'm sorry for ruining it.

Eiko Takao: No, you're fine. You were really crying out there, though. Are you alright?

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, I think so. I don't know what came over me. I don't usually get so emotional.

Morgana pops his head out of Akira's backpack which is on Makoto's back.


Eiko Takao: Huh, the cat is with you?

Makoto speaks, angrily.

Makoto Niijima: Morgana, how long have you been in there?

Morgana: I figured I would tag along, for the slim fucking chance that I would get to see something worthwhile but, instead, I was forced to hear the two of you talk for the last 15 minutes. Shit, I'm a victim here, if anything.

Eiko Takao: Well, I've done all I can. We should probably head back to the dance. Shouldn't keep your date waiting.

Makoto Niijima: Hey, Eiko.

Eiko Takao: Yeah, what's up?

Makoto Niijima: Thank you...for being nice to me, all the time.

Eiko laughs.

Eiko Takao: You don't have to thank me for that. We're friends. Now, come on.

Eiko leads Makoto out of the girl's restroom.

Int. Shujin Academy – Moments Later

Eiko and Makoto make their way back into the gymnasium and make their way towards their group.

Rise Kujikawa: Oh, there they are. We were just about to head out.

Makoto Niijima: Huh, head out? To where?

Akira Kurusu: Rise is going to take us somewhere fun that's in Shibuya. She says it's a surprise, though.

Rise Kujikawa: Yep. Don't worry, you two will enjoy it too! I'm sure of it!

Makoto Niijima: Uh, what about sis; I doubt she'll...

Rise Kujikawa: Akechi already talked to her and the other guy and said that it was fine. Your sister was getting kind of tired, anyways. I think they both already left...

Makoto Niijima: But...

Makoto takes her phone out of her pocket to check it. She notices that she's received a text from her sister. It reads, "Have fun with your friends, tonight. Try not to get into any trouble. Be well behaved for miss Risette and Akechi and I'll see you tomorrow."

Makoto Niijima: Oh, she's actually letting me go?

Rise Kujikawa: Akechi is just putting his guitar and amp into his car. He'll be back in a second and then we can all head out. THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!

Makoto makes her way over to Akira and stands by him.

Eiko Takao: Eh, I don't have any plans, tonight, either, and this dance is actually pretty lame. I'll go too, if that's okay?

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