Story 01 ♥ Louis's Fetish [FSK 16]

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This Story begins right after the end of season 01, episode 04 of BEASTARS (currently on NETFLIX). Bill hurt Legosis back pretty bad so he stayed in his room for some days to rest and heal.

♥ ♥ ♥

Louis: "Come in."

He was looking at the big grey wolf in surprise, while he closed the book he was reading.

Louis: "Oh, you knocked for once. That's something new..."

The wolf scratched his down- tilted head.

Legosi: "Yes, the last time you told me I should..."

Louis: "I didn't complain. I just noticed it... How is your back?"

Legosi: "Fine... I guess."

Louis: "Why are you here then? Do you need something?"

He shook his head really fast.

Legosi: "No, no, I just... wanted to thank you for... saving me."

Louis: "Primarily I did it to save the show. Don't think too much of it."

Legosi: "Nevertheless. I really appreciate what you did. I am really impressed with how powerful you are..."

Louis: "Just because you don't expect a herbivore to have any abilities."

Once again Legosi shook his head really, really fast.

Legosi: "No, I always knew what you were capable of. I never doubted you for one second. But... you were injured and... I guess... was kind of worried about you..."

He laughed awkwardly.

Legosi: "...Turns out the one to be worrisome was me all along."

Louis: "Quit talking nonsense. What you did was necessary. I would have done the same."

Legosi: "I know..."

Some seconds of silence. Just the two looking at each other. As usual.

Legosi: "I... shouldn't annoy you anymore. You surely have enough to do already. I just wanted to thank you. I will leave you alone now..."

Louis slowly shook his head quietly pointed to the spot next to him on the couch.

Legosi gulped and slowly sat as far away as possible from Louis.

Louis: "Tell me Legoshi... Why are you so... boring?"

Legosi was sitting hunched like he always did.

Legosi: "I... am just not that interesting I guess..."

Louis: "But you could be."

Legosi: "You think so? I don't know..."

Legosis nervous energy started to fill the room slowly.

Louis took a deep breath.

Louis: "I just can't stand you leaving yourself hanging for much longer. It bugs me so much that I can't fight the urge to want to help you. Or hit you. Or both..."

Legosi: "I am truly sorry for making you feel like that."

Louis stood up full of rage and grabbed Legosi by his Shirt.

Louis: "That is exactly what I'm talking about! Why do you even feel the need to apologize to me when i am insulting you?!"

Legosis eyes searched a point far away while talking.

BEAST HEARTS ♥ - 8 #Lougosi Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now