Story 03 ♥ His real thoughts

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This Story is starting in the middle of season 01, episode 09 of BEASTARS (currently on NETFLIX) when Legosi tried to convince Louis to go save Haru with him.

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Legosi: "But you love her! And she loves you, too!"

Louis couldn't help but smirk.

Louis: "What we have had had never anything to do with love..."

Legosi: "Explain it to me! What's between you two?"

Louis: "Not that I owe you any sort of explanation but fine: I gave her my body in return for a place to stay for some days which led to us stay mating partners. Maybe because we both felt lonely at times. We just comforted each other. That's it. I am not going to lie: I have fond memories of our time together. But that's not love. Who could love someone who's such a slut? Doing it with everyone. If I wouldn't know better I'd even think she tried the same thing with you..."

Legosi felt a little called out for a second. But he tried to stay on topic.

Legosi: "You're wrong! I do love her! With all my heart and soul!"

Louis smirked once again.

Louis: "Don't be delusional. Your mind is trying desperately to convince yourself that you don't want to eat her and searches frantically for a different explanation. So you may think you feel sexually attracted to her but you don't. You are just hungry."

Legosi felt the rage rising inside him. He was told so before. He didn't want to hear it anymore.

Legosi: "So you say that true love doesn't exist?!"

Louis stayed calm. Too calm.

Louis: "Of course love exists. It's the very thing I feel for you and you feel for me."

Legosi was still heavily breathing. He didn't expect that. He didn't know how to react.

Louis: "Just think about it: I would die for you just to see you happy. I know that you would do the same thing for me. You would always put me before you."

His eyes narrowed.

Louis: "You always think of me. You always want to protect me although you know exactly how capable I am of taking care of myself. Before you met Haru your thoughts were all surrounding Louis the red deer. Your beloved senpai. Do you want to know, what attracted you to her in the first place?"

Legosi narrowed his eyes as well.

Legosi: "Tell me."

Louis: "Think closely... There are a lot of mammals on this campus. A chicken is a wolfs prey as well but did you ever feel attracted to your classmate? Sitting next to you?"

Legosi shook his head slowly. This was a question he asked himself since that incident as well.

Louis: "That's because she was held by me... The smell of the one you love lingering on tasty, fresh flesh. There's nothing more delicious and arousing to a Carnivore like you..."

Louis came a little closer and looked deeply into the big grey wolves eyes.

Louis: "That's not the only reason, tho... Just think of the underlying jealousy. Her scent often lingering on me. You knew it. The smell of sex. You knew it was a female rabbit but you didn't knew who. As you smelled the familiar scent your first instinct was to eliminate the threat. That's only natural. But now you try to convince yourself otherwise because you don't want to face the fact that you could be a potential murderer. So you try to redeem yourself by making it up to her with your so called "love". Love in reality you only feel for me."

Legosi shook his head.

Legosi: "If it was true what you implied. That our feelings for each other are mutual and you knew it all along. Why aren't we a thing?!"

Louis: "You know the reason all too well: Because our desperate need to see each other happy, successful and fulfilled would totally contradict this. You would never want me to face the consequences of dating a male carnivore considering I'm most definitely the next Beastar. And I know the day will come that your appetite will get too strong if we're about to get closer. More intimate. I wouldn't mind you eating me. You know that. It's fine for me if it was you. It is even possible that I would be into it. But I know all to well that you couldn't live with yourself after that..."

Legosi: "Louis..."

Legosis eyes started to tear up a little.

Legosi: "Would you... let me kiss you at least once?"

Louis slowly shook his head.

Louis: "No."

Legosi: "Why? I thought you... We..."

Louis: "Because you don't know my feelings for you yet. Because I never told you. And you never told me. And knowing you all too well you never will. Even if you knew all this information you would just continue to pursue that bunny because of guilt. And that's fine with me. it#s just the way it goes..."

Legosi: "But..."

He was trying to touch Lois but his hand just went through him like a ghost.

Louis: "I am just a product of your imagination. Your underlying conscience. Everything you know but don't care to know. Maybe... One day... You will kiss the real me when this is all over. I sure do hope so. Since I am you it's actually yourself hoping so. Till then we will continue to protect each other. Maybe we will become close friends. Maybe more than that. Who knows? But for now... Save the bunny. You know that you can't let her die by the hand of others. And you know that you will try to force a relationship on her as long as you can. Best of luck my big, stupid wolf. Collect some experiences. Fuck it up. Learn. Till you are ready. Till you are good enough for me. If you manage to be with her without eating her maybe we could have a chance to last. At least you have to try."

Legosi: "Louis!"

He slowly faded away.

Legosis sight went blurry through his tears.

As he came to his senses again he was standing in front of Louis. The real one.

Talking like the arrogant asshole that he is. He would never realistically return the wolfs feelings. It was just his imagination. Just in his head. He should stick with Haru. But Haru was in danger now!

It annoyed him! The whole situation annoyed him. He thought Lois cared for him at least a little! He thought he wouldn't let him face the danger alone! He was mad. He was mad of himself for thinking he ever stood a chance. His anger manifested in doing the unthinkable: He punched Lois in the face. His beautiful face. The one guy he always loved and respected the most. Looked up to the most. Wanted to protect the most. And now he hurt him with his own cursed hands. He didn't deserve him.

At least his rage and self- hatred helped him to save Haru later.

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Now it continues with the "actual" scene from the anime.

With Legosi hitting Louis although we all know that he would never want to see him hurt in any way. Feelings or not. It was totally out of character for him so I searched in my mind for an explanation and wrote this story to satisfy our craving for the truth. 


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