Story 02 ♥ In Heat [FSK 18]

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Theatre practice.

Louis was dancing in the bright light of the spotlight coming from above.

There were other members gracing the stage as well but Louis's stage presence was so strong, so intense, that the animals around him seemed like nothing more than shadows complimenting his performance.

"Well Folks, this is the energy I hope for next week...", he said pushing his hands against his knees, breathing heavily.

Everyone was smiling at each other proudly. Louis was usually very critical of their performances.

"...But please for God's sake get your timing in check! I want to see you all practice, practice, practice this week! It's 1,2,3 and not 1...2,3. Understood?!"

"Yes, Louis- Senpai." They all left their heads hanging simultaneously.

Their voices filled the room for a minute, till they left. Silence.

Louis was still on stage wiping his sweat with a towel as he noticed someone staring at him.

"Le... gosi... Why are you still here?"

He just stood there. Staring.

Suddenly he stepped a little closer to the stage.

He was sniffing the air.

"Louis... Senpai... May I ask you something?"

"If you make it short..."


You could really tell that Legosi was nervous about the question he was about to ask. His body language couldn't hide it.

"... you in heat?"

Louis head went slightly red.

"You... can't just ask someone an inappropriate, intimate question like that! Gosh, you're so naive, inconsiderate, insensitive and stupid."

"I- I- I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to... I just- I noticed your smell from up there. It is pretty intense. Now that you're sweating even more so..."

Legosi innocently scratched his head.

Louis avoided eye contact.

"I... really don't know how you could even smell that. The scent is supposed to attract females of my own kind only and is usually unnoticeable to all other animals. Maybe, just maybe, other female herbivores can sense it, too but way less intensely. But you aren't female, a deer or even a herbivore, so I really don't get it..."

Now the big grey wolf scratched his chin instead.

"Maybe... it could be because I am in heat as well..."

Louis looked at him as if that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard.

"And? How should that matter? Does your body somehow think we could get each other pregnant? You know that procreation is the one and only reason for being in heat in the first place, right? It may surprise you but we won't be able to procreate. So no use for someone of your kind smelling my fragrance. It's not for you so just ignore it for god's sake!"

"So... You can't smell it on me? That I'm in heat?"

Louis didn't answer so Legosi walked up to him on stage.

"...If I come closer to you... Can you smell it now?"

"No! Of course not! That would be pretty useless and against nature anyways. Totally unnecessary."

Now that they were standing exactly in front of each other Legosi offered his neck to Louis for him to smell.

"I don't want to smell you! Keep your stupid face away from me!"

BEAST HEARTS ♥ - 8 #Lougosi Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now