Story 06 ♥ Awkward Wedding [FSK 18]

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Legosi: "You were right. The moon seems to be nearer today. Almost as if we could touch it."

Louis and him were sitting on the roof top of the "Shishi Gumi"- building. The deer on a deck chair and the wolf on a regular, wooden one staring into the night. Suddenly Louis grabbed something from his pocket.

Legosi: "You smoke?"

Louis: "I found this cigar in the drawer of my desk today buried between other stuff. I think it was from the former leader. It smells like a high quality expensive one. It would be a shame to let it go to waste so I thought we may could smoke it together..."

Legosi wasn't that fond of this idea. But since it was Louis he couldn't refuse. Louis took a deep puff and then handed it over to Legosi while coughing quietly.

Louis: "Do it like I did. Don't put it all the way in your mouth or you'll get it wet. Just use your lips and suck a little bit. Don't use your tongue!"

His cheeks went slightly red because of the way what Louis said sounded. But he tried to ignore it. He coughed as well but less "elegantly".

Legosi: "You're right. It's a quality one. But quite strong.", he said with a raspy voice.

After Louis took another puff he handed it over to Legosi again but he declined the offer.

Legosi: "Thanks, Senpai. Later..."

Louis just shrug his shoulders and took his time to smoke. Blowing the smoke into fresh air.

Legosi: "It's crazy actually...."

Louis just looked at him instead of asking "what?"

Legosi: "How much we've changed. We're adults now... Schools over. We both have our professions. Both of us are engaged..."

Suddenly Louis shook his head slightly and rubbed the tip of the cigar on the ground.

Louis: "Not anymore..."

Legosi: "Oh,... I'm sorry. What happened?"

Louis: "Nothing. It was an arranged engagement all along. I just couldn't play along any longer."

Legosi: "I thought you might like her, too. She seemed nice and looked nice. You made a good looking couple..."

Louis: "Yes, that's not the point. I know that. But I guess you can't force feelings no matter how good someone looks on paper. I knew from the beginning that this was doomed to fail but I tried anyways..."

Legosi: "You've... never told me..."

Louis: "You never asked..."

Some moments of silence. Louis leaned all the way back in his deck chair.

Legosi: "Actually... Louis..."

Louis: "Hm?"

Legosi: "I... If I tell you something will you promise you won't laugh?"

Louis: "Depends on what it is. But you're usually not that funny so I doubt that you could make me laugh..."

Legosi: "Maybe... It's a little silly but... we've been through so much together. So many life and death situations. We know we can really rely on each other till the end. So that I... "

Louis: "You what?"

Legosi: "That... I sometimes think that maybe you and I are the ones that actually should be getting married. Since that's what marriages are for: Trust and companionship..."

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