Story 07 ♥ Louis's Love [FSK 16]

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Legosi: "Louis... Senpai..."

Louis: "WHAT?!"

Legosi approached Louis for the 3rd time today. Louis ignored him the first 2 times.

Legosi: "I... wondered if you want to go grab lunch today after school..."

Louis: "No thanks, I'm busy."

Legosi: "If you tell me what you'd like I could just bring it to your office later. I could even help you if you want..."

Louis: "No need, but thanks. I have to go."

He turned around to leave, but Legosi put his hand on his shoulder.

Legosi: "Did I do anything wrong?"

Louis: "No. Why?"

Legosi: "Because I've got the feeling that you're avoiding me..."

Louis: "Just because I don't have time for you today?"

Legosi: "No, because you keep ignoring me since at least 2 weeks straight."

Louis: "You're... imagining things."

Legosi: "Okay. Maybe. But if so tell me a date and time you have time for me. Even for just half an hour. Even just for 10 minutes."

Louis got free from his grip and turned around looking annoyed.

Louis: "Why are you so clingy all of the sudden?"

Legosi: "I'm not. We've been through a lot together and I just thought we really did hit it off lately... Till you suddenly stopped talking to me."

Louis: "What do you even take me for?"

Legosi: "A very good friend?"

Louis: "We could never be friends."

Legosi looked really hurt by this statement. He left his ears hanging and his facial expression really looked like he was in deep pain.

Louis couldn't stand seeing him like that. It hurt him as well so he decided to tell him the truth. He sighed.

Louis: "Damn. Why are you so damn persistent?"

He looked around. Then he whispered:

Louis: "Follow me in my office."

As he closed the door he turned around to face Legosi.

Louis: "Okay, okay, okay. You're right. I was avoiding you."

Legosi: "But... why? Did I offend you in any way?"

He shook his head slowly.

Louis: "No... but... you have a girlfriend..."

Legosi: "So are you still mad about Haru?"

He shook his head again. This time slightly faster.

Louis: "Let me put it this way: You've got a GIRLfriend."

Legosi just scratched his head.

Legosi: "I... somehow still don't get it..."

Deep sigh.

Louis: "You aren't into guys. Are you? And even if you would be you are still in a relationship already. So I thought it may be better if I keep my distance."

Legosi: "You think... Haru might misunderstand us spending so much time together?"

Suddenly he lost his temper.

BEAST HEARTS ♥ - 8 #Lougosi Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now