Bonus ♥ ♥ ♥ Why Lougosi is superior

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An passionate Essay:

Why I strongly dislike the Haru/ Legosi Ship (and so should you)

Promoting Phaedohilia
I think their relationship is extremely obviously a metaphor for paedophilia. Legosi representing the minor- attracted person that is tempted by his everyday surroundings and can do nothing about it (hunting down/eating as a metaphor for getting sexually active).

It shows vividly how "real love" is used as an excuse for paedophiles to get closer to minors and potentially putting them in danger by that. Even if they really try not to become offenders and do their best they shouldn't search the presence of minors in the first place.

Debunking that it's about racism
People like to see their relationship as metaphor for interacial couples just because how they are perceived by society and sure a lot in the show is, but NO WAY this relationship in particular. Fans see it as fighting against racism to ship them, but in actuality this couple has simply nothing to do with it at all if we just give it a second thought for once:

Couples with a huge age gap are looked down upon by society as well. Even more so if one of them is a minor. And there is a very good reason for that! As well as there is a very good reason why people don't want to see a bunny together with a wolf because of the VERY REAL danger of it getting hurt. Like a child. Even if there could be a rare case where the old guy doesn't partake in sexual activities with the minor at all (Like Legosi would never actually try to "eat" Haru) and they have a platonic relationship it simply leaves a bad taste in the mouth of everyone watching.

Why it can't be about races at all: Being intimate with a person of another race would never be actually harmful in any way for you or that person. Yes, the cultures you grew up in are slightly different and could cause potential arguments but that was never the topic portrait by the series regarding Legosi and Haru at all. Harus and Legosis worlds don't seem to be THAT different.

Interracial couples would be able to procreate just fine. It's even scientifically proven that often times mixed children are even healthier because they get the best traits of both. An interspecies- baby from Legosi/Haru on the other hand could resolve in the child suffering from severe illness/deformations/mutations (look at Melon). Like a child being sexually taken advantage of can never result in something positive. (Of course they could bare an healthy child but were talking about abstract metaphors here.)

These are the facts without any personal opinion.

Now my personal, sentimental statement regarding this topic: I love Legosi as a character. He's kind, cute and always tries to do the right thing. I simply feel not comfortable seeing him as a potential child molester. In return I would never want to sympathise with a paedophile that actively searched the presence of a child to have a relationship with it. I don't want to see him/her as a nice person but Legosi simply is. So I hate every second of Legosi/Haru being portrait as something positive that could potentially work.

No "Real" Love
Giving perspective to all the scenes you took for legit and never gave a second thought:

If you pay really close attention you'll see that Legosi just thinks he's in love because he felt guilty for attacking her. After seeing her in person that she's a real, breathing, living being even more so.

You can tell that he wasn't attracted to her even in the slightest If you watch the scene Haru tried to have sex with him. He wasn't even remotely turned on by it. Not even in retrospective. He just felt scared and overwhelmed.

When he noticed she was still smelling "delicious" to him he searched for a different explanation. In this case "Love". Even his therapist (Panda) says so (and he is portrayed as very wise).

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