Story 05 ♥ Will you be my Dog? [FSK 18]

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"Ah, Legosi... You're finally here..."

"You wanted to talk to me, Louis- Senpai?"

"That's right. Close the door and take a seat, grab a snack..."

Legosi was a little nervous. He wasn't used to Louis being that nice to him without a warning.


"A little..."

"You're funny...."

Louis rested his head on his hands and just looked at him what led to Legosi feeling even more nervous.

"Y- You wanted to ask me something?..."

"Just wait a bit. Let's not rush things. Or do you have any other plans today?"

"No, but..."

"Then everything's fine. Isn't it?"

"I just hope I didn't do something wrong..."

Louis shook his head and laughed delighted.

"You're always expecting the worst..."

"To be fair... It was never good news when you told me to come here..."

"Depends on how you portray it. If you just picture it as spending time together it's not that bad, isn't it?"

"O- Of course not."

"Do you hate me?"

"No way! You know I admire you a lot."

Louis cleared his throat.

"Do you want to be my dog then?"

Legosi looked confused.

"Straight to the point: I would like to adopt you. Kind of."

"Are you... serious?"

"I think you are in desperate need of a proper master."

"What?... How?.. I'm..."

"You still don't understand? I would like to put a collar on you and make you mine."

"You... want me to be your boyfriend?"

Legosis tail started wagging a little.

"Don't be stupid. Of course not."

His tail dropped and he left his ears hanging.


"I just want you to call me master and do everything as I say."

"And... Why should I do that?"

"Because I think that's what you secretly want and need."

Legosi looked confused.


"Because your whole appearance just screams: I am your devoted little dog and want to obey you."

"That's... actually quite mean."

"No. It's the truth."

"Do you say that to motivate me to be more out there and confident or something?"

"No, I like you the way you are. I just think you need to be dominated. Tamed. That's your true nature and I wouldn't want to change that. Let me dominate you."

"You... really want to do that?"

"I wouldn't offer this to you if I wouldn't be fond of the idea of you being my cute, devoted pet."

"But... Wouldn't that be embarrassing in front of others?"

Louis shook his head.

"It's just a thing between us two. I would prefer it if you'd tell nobody, please."

BEAST HEARTS ♥ - 8 #Lougosi Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now