Story 08 ♥ Drunken Deer [FSK 18]

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For simplicity reasons I marked all the "drunken talk" in cursive. If I'd have written it as "LeeegOooshIiiii I Loooooff yuuUu!" it would be way harder to read and stop the reading- flow in general. So just imagine all the cursive bits as slurred, confused drunken banter with some weird pauses and hicks in between.

If you have a good sense of humor you will love this final story for sure ♥ 

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Legosi wasn't particularly into partying at all but Bill kinda talked him into it. Actually the only reason he agreed to join him was because he hasn't seen his friend Louis for a while now. Actually just 3 weeks but that was already way too long for Legosis liking.

Because they were hitting a bar where the "dangerous guys" were said to hang out a lot he was quite sure to meet him there as well.

It was the free Saturday between Christmas and Sylvester so actually most students old enough to drink would be there. Even if he wouldn't meet Louis at least he had a chance to meet other ex- classmates.

It was quite cold. Legosi was rubbing his hands against each other as they entered the dark and moody location. Immediately there was a large horse standing up greeting Bill as if they haven't seen each other in years.

Legosi took his scarf and jacket off and went to the bar. Where he saw familiar antlers on top of a head that was buried in the lifeless arms of the owner of said antlers.

Legosi: "Is that...?", he asked the waiter who was a racoon with deep blue eyes.

Waiter: "Louis. Shishi Gumi- Big Boss. Yes."

Suddenly Louis looked up. His face had an undefinable shade to it. Reddish? Greenish?

He stood up, right behind Legosi and hugged his back.

Louis: "Awww, look at that, Gale. This is my big, stupid, dumb dog. He's my bestest of friends. He came here just to see me. Isn't he cute as fuck? Don't stare at him like that! He's mine!"

He hissed after the last two sentences.

Then he tugged at the fur on Legosis cheek and smiled a little drowsy looking. The wolf looked up to the waiter whos name was apparently "Gale" with questioning eyes.

Gale: "Yup, he's drunk."

Louis meanwhile put his whole bodyweight on Legosis back and started nibbling on his ear.

Louis: "Don't listen to him. He's drunk.", he whispered.

Legosi held his hands over his ears to prevent Louis from licking them any further. They were starting to get wet.

Legosi: "What... did he drink?"

Gale put a big green bottle on the bar and shoved it over to Legosi for him to look at it.

Legosi: "Heartache Cure.", he read the tag.

Gale shrug his shoulders.

Gale: "I told him that it wouldn't work. That it's just a fun brand- name for a basic vodka but he wouldn't listen."

Legosi: "Did he drink the whole bottle? Why haven't you stopped him?"

He shrug his shoulders again.

Gale: "He paid for it. It's my job after all. He's an adult. And Gang- Leader. Should I have declined?"

He made a gesture with his finger on his neck to say that he was afraid of the consequences of denying Louis something.

BEAST HEARTS ♥ - 8 #Lougosi Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now