Chapter 1 - Arceus' introduction

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Author's Note: Shoutout to this person for this idea:

Author's Note: Shoutout to this person for this idea:

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A bright yellow flash that is almost shaped like a star appears as Ash slowly wakes up "Welcome to my realm, located beyond both space and time." A masculine voice echoed Ash gasp and muttered "Arceus?....." "It is well that thou art here." Arceus added "I am in which humans call Arceus." He revealed "Now, I wish to know thine appearance." He said.

"My name is Ash Ketchum and I have a partner named Pikachu" Ash introduced "Ash...." Arceus replied "Yeah?" Ash asked raising one eyebrow "Soon thou shalt find thyself in a world strange to thee." He said the speech made Ash confused due to the wording in his speech.

"A world inhabitated by wonderous creatures that human call 'Pokémon'." Arceus explained "I know that Arceus I've been a pokemon trainner for 26 years." Ash answered "Ash...." Arceus called "Yes?" Ash replied.

"Seek out all Pokémon, and thou shalt find me once more." Arceus tasked "Seek out all pokémons?" Ash questioned "But.... How am I gonna do this?" He asked "Why do I..... Suddenly..... Feel tired?" Ash worned out.

The moments later Ash woke up wearing his pyjamas "Huh?" Ash uttered in surprised as he looks around the empty background.

"What's that?" Ash questioned as he sees a light blue smartphone floating around Ash tried to grab it but the smartphone floated away "Come back!" Ash yelled but couldn't move. Yellow light and stars flickers giving Ash a look of suspense as the star and light forms a shape looking like Arceus "Woah...." Ash murmured the smartphone was floating besides Arceus as the light star shaped Arceus slowly lifted it's head up to have a clear view of Ash.

Without explaining the smartphone was covered in bright and dazzling yellow light "What the heck is going on?" Ash wondered the ball of light comes towards Ash as Ash raises both of his hands "Wow! This is awesome!" Ash praises and smiled brightly "Huh? Am I now moving?" Ash thoughts as the yellow, pointy stars form a thin, golden circle around Arceus as Ash moves closer to Arceus.

To Be Countinued....

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