Chapter 12 - Starting the trial (2/2)

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Ash, Rei, Pikachu and Greninja arrived near a rock, Rei turned around and said "I forgot-there's something I oughg to teach you, since you're still new to this!" "But I already know how to catch a pokémon and battle them!" Ash protested "No, I wanna teach you something new." Rei denied "What is it?" Ash asked.

"Here's the proper way to throw your partner's Poké ball." Rei taught "As Captain Cyllene tells us......" Rei said "Have an item at the ready but want to send out a Pokémon? Press X." Rei revealed "Rei we're in a fanfic story not in the game!" Ash scold.

"I- oh......" Rei pauses "Anyways... The captain's real expert to this." He elaborated.

Rei looked at the tall tree and tested "Try throwing your Pokémon's ball at rocks-or trees like this one-to have it investigate." Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja looked at the Tree. Ash smiled and replied "Ok! I'll do it!" Ash was about to go but Rei yelled "WAIT!" Ash, Greninja and Pikachu stopped.

Greninja and Pikachu cried in confusion "What is it?" Ash questioned turning around to face Rei "If your Pokèmon finds any Berries or other items, it'll bring them to you!" Rei explained "Wow!" Ash replied.

"Now It's time for your partners to shine." Rei cheered Pikachu and Greninja ran towards Rei as, Pikachu jumped on Rei's shoulder while Greninja stood next to Rei.

"We've reached your final hurdle: catching a Shinx." Rei listed "Right!" Ash replied smiling and nodding.

Ash and Greninja followed Rei while Pikachu is on Rei's shoulder. They suddenly stopped and Rei noticed "There. That's Shinx." He pointed Shinx roared Rei looked at Ash and said "Shinx has an aggressive disposition. Could you already tell?" Ash nodded.

"I thought you might! I can never tell until I focus on a Pokémom carefully." Rei said "Wow! Your something else!" Ash teases "Love your sarcasm..... I think...." Rei accoladed with a small smile and looked away.

"Once aggressive Pokémon get iritate, they'll knock aside any ball you throw at them." Rei explained "I don't even remember the day I met an aggressive pokémon in my entire journey." Ash replied putting his fingers on his chin.

Rei turned around and volunteered "Don't worry, though! I'll teach you the trick to catching aggressive Pokémon!" "That's lovely!" Ash praises "Greninja!" Greninja smiled "Pi! Ka!" Pikachu nuzzled on Rei's cheeks causing Rei to giggle.

"You have the tamest Pokèmon I've ever seen." Rei remarked "Pikachu wasn't tame when I met him while, Greninja seems to want to come along with me since he was a Froakie." Ash replied "It seems like you guys don't seem to like each other in the first place." Rei assumes raising an eyebrow making Ash giggle.

"Anyways! Back to catching Shinx!" Rei tasked "Right!" Ash accepted turning around and getting a pokéball out ready to catch Shinx. "So what's the trick in catching a aggressive pokémon?" Ash questioned.

Rei smiled and answered "You've gotta battle them!" "That sounds like me!" Ash remarked "Once they're absorbed with battling, you can throw a Poké Ball at them to try and catch them!" Rei added "Ok!" Ash replied.

"By now, you've got several pokémons of your own, don't you?" Rei questioned looking at Ash "Yeah!" Ash answered "But I'm giving Pikachu and Greninja a break for now." He added "Take one of their Poké Balls and throw it near a wild Pokèmon you want to battle." Rei instructed "I got it!" Ash said waving his hands with the Poké Ball he's holding.

"I've got no doubt you'll hold your own in battle!" Rei cheered "Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered "Greninja!" Greninja also cheered "Thanks!" Ash replied accepting the support from his two pokémons and Rei.

Ash slowly walks towards the feral Shinx ready to throw a Poké Ball at her. The wild Shinx turned around and electricity formed around it's ears ready to battle "Easy buddy....." Ash mitigated but, the wild Shinx ran after him.

Ash quickly dodged the wild Shinx. Shinx started to perform an attack Rei got shocked and he shouted "ASH LOOK OUT!!" Ash turned around and dodged the attack while grunting.

"Cyndaquil! Come on out!" He yelled Cyndaquil came out of it's pokéball ready to fight. The wild Shinx started using it's attack again "Cyndaquil dodge! And then use tackle!" Ash ordered.

The wild Cyndaquil listened to Ash's order and dodged thr wild Shinx's attack multiple times and then tackled it. Shinx managed to touch to the ground and started charging at Cyndaquil "Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil cried "Don't give up, Cyndaquil!" Ash supported. Rei and Ash's two Pokémons watch him in distress when all of the sudden, a big form of electricity goes towards them, Greninja immediately pushed Rei holding Pikachu away from the attack.

"Now it's our chnace Cyndaquil! Use Tackle!" Ash ordered Cyndaquil tackled Shinx again as Ash threw the Pokéball at her. Shinx got inside the pokéball as the pokéball started moving until, Shinx was compelety inside.

Ash smiled and hugged Cyndaquil commending "You did it Cyndaquil!" "Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil cheered "You did it!" Rei praises as he was covered in dirt while, Ash's Pokémons where clean.

"You ok?" Ash asked "Yeah!" Rei replied smiling "Yoy approach those Pokémon without a hint of fear......and caught each one!" Rei acknowledged silently jealous of Ash's talent, "It was easy peasy!" Ash replied rubbing his nose while holding Cyndaquil in his arms "Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil agrees.

"With you at our side, I think the Survey Corps has a real chance of compiling a compelete Pokédex as we've been ordered!" Rei planned Ash raised an eyebrow and replied "So your gonna treat me like a slave?" Rei snapped and shouted "What?! No! I will also help!" "Anyways..... This is wonderful!" Rei praises.

"I'm still curious why on earth you came falling from the sky like you did ......but for now, let's tell the professor we're ready to head back!" Rei said "Ok!" Ash accepted. He returned Cyndaquil to it's Poké Ball and Pikachu went back on Ash's shoulder while, Greninja followed him.

Rei, Ash, Pikachu and Greninja went back to the camp area "Professor!" Ash called Laventon turned around to see the two boys and two pokémons "Yes?" Laventon replied "We're ready to go back now." Ash said "Oho! I said you'd pass the trial with flying colours, and it seems you went and did just that!" Laventon praises Ash nodded his head.

"Congratulations, Ash Ketchum!" Laventon congratulated with a big grin on his face, "Thanks...." Ash replied scratching his head "You've taken your first step toward seeking out every Pokémon!" Laventon added Ash stopped and looked at Laventon correcting "But I've only caught 3 pokémons for my trial." "Yeah!" Rei agrees nodding "Oh....." Laventon paused "Anyways, this calls for a commemorative photograph." Laventon requested.

"Wait...... You have cameras during that time?" Ash asked confused to see a god damn camera in Hisui "Greninja?! (What the hell)" Greninja agrees "Pikachu? (Do they really have cameras this time around?)" Pikachu also agrees.

Rei laughed and patted Ash's back suggested "Let's just take a photo shall we?" Ash accepted it and he and his pokémons smiled for the camera, Laventon took a photo and puts the camera back.

"With skills like yours, I suppose this was a foregone conclusion!" Rei concluded looking at Ash "Now then, we'd best to report to Captain Cyllene. Time to head back to Jubilife Village, eh?" Laventon planned both boys nodded their heads.

"Bye!" Ash waved at the guard "Pikachu!" Pikachu also waved "Greninja!" Greninja waved as well "Bye! And good luck!" The man responded while waving. Ash and Greninja turned around and followed Rei and Laventon while, Pikachu jumped on Rei's shoulder.

To Be Countinued......

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