Chapter 16 - Accidently thunderbolted

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Ash was happy and curious with the uniform he's wearing "I feel like I'm on a school trip!" Ash commented Rei smiled and replied "Glad you like the uniform Ash!".

Ash turned to face Rei and replied "We have the same uniform, Rei!" Rei nodded in response and giggled.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu cried as he jumped on Rei and nuzzled him making Rei giggle but, Pikachu 'accidently' used Thunderbolt causing Rei to scream and then faint. "REI!" Ash and Cyllene cried and running towards Rei "Greninja!" Greninja also came to Rei's aid and sprayed some water on him.

Rei got up all wet and scratched the back of his neck while holding Pikachu "I'm ok!" Rei replied. Ash and Cyllene sighted in relief.


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