Chapter 10 - Meeting Volo

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Ash and his two pokemons left the headquarters and turned left as guided by Rei. Ash pulled out an ancient pokeball that has Cyndaquil in it and smiled, rubbing the pokéball nice and shiny as it shows his and Pikachu's reflection.

"We're gonna pass this trial!" Ash determined. As Ash and his pokemons were about to exit the village. They see Rei talking to a blonde man with a huge backpack and a cap. "Did he time travel as well?" Ash thought. So they walked towards them. Rei and the mysterious man turned and faced Ash and his two pokemons "Oh! What a curious getup you have there. I can already tell you're quite the character!" The mysterious man said Ash was shocked after seeing his face. He looks identical to Cynthia.

"I'm Volo of the Ginkgo Guild, the go-to choice for any of your mercantile needs here in Hisui!" He introduced. "Hi Volo! I'm Ash Ketchum! This is my partner Pikachu!" "Pika!" "This is Greninja!" "Greninja!" "And I Cyndaquil I got from Professor!" Ash explained.

"I've heard a talk about you. Fell from the sky, didn't you?" Volo quizzed "Yeah!" Ash answered Volo was calmly surprised and continued "Now that's certainly a tale I'd like to hear...." "Well, It a long story Volo...." Ash responded nervously.

Volo then, replied with enthusiasm "Oh, and you've a pokemon! You're certainly full of interesting surprises....." Ash giggled while scratching his back. "Grenin....." Greninja growled Ash looked at Greninja in concern. "What's the matter, Greninja?" Ash questioned in his mind. "Greninja..." Greninja responded "Don't worry Greninja, he's a nice guy. Also, he might be Cynthia's ancestor." Ash mitigated "Is something the matter?" Rei asked snapping Ash and Greninja's mind.

Ash and Greninja turned around "Nothing..." Ash denied while smiling "Pikachu!" Pikachu cried thinking that Ash might be playing dumb again. "Carry on Volo!" Ash ordered "Investigating the odd and novel is key to any good merchant's success! So what do you say?" Volo asked Ash started thinking.

"How about you and I see how our Pokémon stand up to one another battle?" Volo insisted Ash's eyes glowed like the moon in the night sky "Sure!" Ash accepted. "I've also heard about this trial you're to attempt." Volo said. His wording confuses Ash. "Let's have a quick battle to get your blood pumping before you head out" he declared "Of course!" Ash accepted "Rei can you hold my Pikachu? And let Greninja stand next to you?" Ash bid "Sure!" Rei assisted.

Pikachu jumped from Ash's shoulder to Rei's and Greninja stands next to Rei as they moved back so that Ash and Volo could have a battle. "Though I hope you know you'll lose if your Pokémon's HP reaches to zero!" Volo said "I know!" Ash responded.

Volo adjusted his cap and Ash removed the dust away from his pyjamas. "Let the battle begin!" Rei shouted "Go Togepi!" Volo yelled throwing the Pokéball in the air and Togepi got out of the ball "Togepiiiiii!" Togepi cried. "Cyndaquil I choose you!" Ash yelled also throwing the Pokéball in the air and Cyndaquil got out of it "Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil cried. "Cyndaquil use Tackle!" Ash ordered Cyndaquil goes to attack Togepi "Dodge it Togepi!" Volo ordered Togepi dodged it as Cyndaquil bumped it's head on the gates.

"Now use tackle!" Volo ordered Togepi turned around and dashes towards Cyndaquil in the speed of light. Cyndaquil got up and was about to be attacked then Ash yelled "Use smokescreen!" Cyndaquil releases black smoke from it's mouth causing Togepi to get trapped in the dark smoke. "Togepi!" Volo cried in distress "Now use Tackle!" Ash ordered Cyndaquil dashes towards Togepi and attacks it.

Togepi started crying in pain and bumped itself on the ground until it's eyes are like a whirlpool. "Togepi is unable to battle! Which means the victory goes to Ash!" Rei announced "We did it!" Ash cheered Cyndaquil jumped on Ash and Ash hugged him. "Well done, Ash!" Rei congratulated Pikachu and Greninja cheered for Ash.

Volo returned Togepi in her pokéball and turned the pokéball towards him "Have some rest Togepi." Volo supported before, putting the pokéball away. Volo crossed his arms and smiled before advising "Moves, items.... Use them well, and the world will open up to you." "Thanks for the tip!" Ash replied smiling "Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil cried.

"It's always good fun to have your Pokémon do battle, don't you think?" Volo questioned "Yeah but, you also need to take care of them and fight for them as well." Ash answered as he returned Cyndaquil back to his Pokéball. Rei and Greninja walked towards Ash Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder and faced Volo.

"And as they gain experience through battle, they'll learn more moves and grow even stronger!" Volo explained "And they will be more attached to you, the more they travel with you." Ash added "Exactly my point!" Volo agreed. Greninja continuously glared at him "But so few people here have their own Pokémon! If only more knew how to use Poké Balls!" Volo stated as he frowned "Really?" Ash exclaimed and glanced at Rei frowning "Yeah...." Rei replied.

"At any rate, let me help our two battlers recover from their little exercise." He volunteered Ash gave his pokéball with Cyndaquil inside to Volo and even his two pokémon Pikachu and Greninja to Volo so that he could heal them. Volo returned Ash's Pokémons back "Thanks Volo!" Ash praises Volo smiled back "And to you, my-sky-fallen friend.... I present some Potions in thanks!" Volo acknowledged as he gave Ash many potions. "Thanks!" Ash replied.

Ash looked at the potions and it seems more different from his time. "Wow!" Ash acknowledged and he puts them away in his bag. "You can use them on your Pokémons whenever they might be worn out from battle." Volo advised "I'll be hoping that you're successful on that trial of yours." Volo supported "Thanks! I will!" Ash acknowledged.

"More Galaxy Team members means more customers of yours truly, after all!" Volo quoted Ash gave him a look of confusion "customers?" He questioned "What does that mean?" Volo giggled and replied "You'll understand it."

"But, I won't stay in Hisui for that long....." Ash mumbled while looking at the ground "What?" Volo and Rei exclaimed Ash looked up and denied his quiet speech. Volo turned and walked away "Hey! Where are you going!?" Ash called out as he was about to run Greninja and Rei stopped him. Ash looked at Rei who nodded and warned "Don't worry about Volo. Worry more about your trial or else, you will be kicked from the village." Ash stopped and replied "Ok..."

Rei then smiled and acknowledged "That's really something! Not only one can you catch pokémons-you can lead them in battle!" "Yes! Cause I am a Pokémon master after all!" Ash replied smiling "Pika!" "Greninja!" Greninja and Pikachu cried in agreement.

"Now, to the Obsidian Fieldlands!" Rei guided.

To Be Countinued....

Author's note: Sorry if the Volo vs Ash battle was rushed cause, I feel like I didn't want to extend it but, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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