Chapter 7 - Meeting Cyllene

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Note: There maybe some quotes that might not appear in the Legends game.

"Professor Laventon has told how you helped secure his Pokémon when they slipped his control." Cyllene said "Well, my Greninja carried all those old poké-balls while, my Pikachu cheered for me." Ash replied grinning.

"And now it seems he would like us to feed and house you in exchange for your ongoing labor." She added which made Ash quickly went into his neutral position and questioned "So.... You going to look after me and my two pokemons?" "Pika?" Pikachu cried "Greninja?" Greninja also cried.

Cyllene took a good glance at Ash before investigating "Hmm. You look to be 15 or so." "Actually.... I'm over 15." Ash answered. "Quite old enough to work for your keep." Cyllene said.

"But we can't simply take on a stranger who wanders in among us, without any idea of their skills or origins." Cyllene added "Umm....." Ash hummed worried that he might be rejected "Tomorrow we shall see if you can prove yourself worthy." Cyllene planned Ash looked up and replied "Ok!" "Oho! A most reasonable decision, Captain." Laventon commended.

"Now, would you care to join us for a meal? I'm sure you've got plenty of questions for our visitor." Laventon asked "That's quite all right. I prefer to eat alone so I might apperciate my meals without distractions." Cyllene denied "So based on Cyllene's behaviour, Cyrus must also prefer to eat alone without anyone's distractions." Ash theroised.

Cyllene entered the Wallflower "Aloof as always, I see." Laventon sighted "Well, no matter! The rest of us can share a meal and some pleasant conversation, then, eh? Laventon offered Ash smiled and nodded in acception.

Laventon looked uo and shouted "Beni, old chum! The usual potato mochi, if you please-but make it for three today." Ash, Pikachu and Greninja were surprised "So the man who refused to let us three enter the Wallflower is named Beni?" Ash murmured "What?" Rei asked "Nothing...." Ash replied turning his face away and giving Rei a side eye.

Laventon, Rei, Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja sat on the table and ate the Potato mochi. Pikachu was sitting on the table while the rest sat on chairs. Beni arrived with a plate of potato mochi.

"Wonderful stuff, Beni! Much obliged. Your potato mochi never fail to please!" Laventon congratulate Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja felt relief to eat the potato mochi. Beni smiled and walked inside the Wallflower, Rei looked at Laventon and asked "Professor Laventon, where exactly did you meet our... visitor here?" Ash's cheeks where red and sweaty when Rei asked this question.

"Ah, well, you know of that great hole in the sky? The one people call the space-time rift?" Laventon questioned "Our new friend fell right out of it!" Laventon revealed.

Then, Rei gave him the "seriously" face and doubt "You can't be serious." Laventon's smile faded and went into a serious face and replied "Come now-I am a scientist!" "My job is to observe and explain any and all phenomena. I concern myself only with facts!" He elaborated.

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