Chapter 8 - Cyndaquil I choose you

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"Today's the day of your trial. So, er.... Let's give it our all!" Rei called which woke Ash and his two pokemons up.

Ash came out with Rei smiling and complimenting "I hope you had a nice sleep, even if this land is strange and new to you." "Oh no! I have a great sleep thank you!" Ash replied.

Rei laughed and directed "Let's get to headquarters. Captain Cyllene is waiting." Ash and his two pokemons followed Rei to the headquarters.

Once the two trainers and pokemons entered the headquarters Ash turned around in amusement. He had never seen anything cool before.

Rei turned around and said "The Survry Corps' Office are here on the first fl-" "Don't give up! Keep those eyes open!" Someone shouted.

"The wild Pokémon, they..... they were everywhere. Attacking from all sides." Someone reported "This is what happens when you go so far afield! But the Medical Corps will put you to rights." Someone replied.

"That man's with the Security Corps.... And even his own partner, he took a beating from wild pokemon." Rei commented with a fed up face.

"Really?!" Ash asked "Yeah..." Rei replied. "Without a partner Pokémon of your own, you might find this trial.....particularly trying." Rei elaborated. "But I have two partners." Ash answered "I know but, just do it for the sake of the plot." Rei denied "Fine....." Ash accepted.

Rei turned around to face Cyllene "Captain Cyllene? Ash is here!" Rei called "You may enter." Cyllene ordered Ash entered with Pikachu, Greninja and Rei in Cyllene's office.

Cyllene got out of her desk and said "Let's get this started." "Right!" Ash nodded with a serious face "If you wish to join the Galaxy Expedition Team, prove yourself capable by going out into the Obsidian Fieldlands and catching three different species of pokemons: Bidoof, Startly, and Shinx." Cyllene tasked.

"Ok!" Ash accepted "Catching three pokemons from the start? No one in the Galaxy team has ever managed that...." Rei remarked with shock "Did this stranger not catch three different pokemons only yesterday?" Cyllene quizzed while looking at Rei.

"My trial should be simple enough for him-if the professor wasn't exaggerating things, that is." She added "The Galaxy team does not have the means to provide for those who only take without giving." Cyllene said glancing at Ash. "If you wish to stay, you must prove beyond any doubt that you'll be an asset to our cause." Cyllene challanged "I will!" Ash accepted "Pika!" "Greninja!" Greninja and Pikachu cried.

Cyllene walked towards Ash and provided "I will lend you one of our Survery Corps satchels to carry whatever you may need in the field." So she gave Ash the satchel and Ash wrapped it around his waist. It wasn't the same feeling as wearing a corset though. "The satchel doesn't exactly match your, er, mode of dress..." Rei commented "You mean the dress code of the Galaxy team?" Ash corrected.

"Rei." Cyllene scold "I'll expect you to step in if anything goes awry." Cyllene warned "Wow! Unlike Cyrus, she actually cares?" Ash thought.

"Pardon, Ash! Come with me a moment!" Laventon called entering Cyllene's office Ash turned around and said "Professor Laventon?" Ash, Rei, Pikachu and Greninja exited Cyllene's office.

"Now then, jolly good morning to everyone!" Laventon greeted "Good morning!" Ash greeted "Is something the matter, Professor Laventon?" Rei asked.

"In order to compelete our pokedex and, well, simply survive in this unforgivable land... Ash absolutely must pass this trial!" Laventon planned "I know...." Ash replied.

"And as a professor of Pokemon, I've got just a ticket to help accomplish that!" He insisted. The three happy pokemons appeared, each of them making a happy cry "Go on, Ash! Pick the pokemon that strikes you fancy!" Laventon tasked. "With a partner of your own, you'll be able to fight off wild pokemons outside of the village!" He added. "These little darlings are very dear to me....but it's plain to see they're rather curious about you." Laventon revealed "Wow!" Ash replied.

Well, my boy! Which Pokemon would you like to keep as your own?" Laventon asked.

Ash looked at three pokemons in detail and said "I'll pick Cyndaquil!" Ash choose. "Good show! I've tucked Cyndaquil back inside the Poké ball for you, so take it-it's yours!" Laventon volunteered as he gave the pokéball to Ash.

To Be Countinued....

Ash: Chooses Cyndaquil as his partner

Pikachu and Greninja: Am I a joke to you?

His Quilava in Professor Oak's lab: Am I a joke to you?

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