Chapter 17 - Meeting Kamado

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Ash walked up the stairs with Pikachu on his shoulder and Rei and Greninja following him behind his back. Ash slightly walked down to see Cyllene "Now present yourself to the commander!" She encouraged with no emotions on her face.

Ash smiled and nodded his head before going up the stairs "Let's go Ash!" Rei direct and Ash nodded to his response. Before following Rei, Ash looked at the rooms in the second floor "Wow!" Ash was amazed with each room's decoration and the people inside were dressed nicely. "Ash?" Rei called "Greninja?" Greninja also called, Both Ash and Pikachi snapped out of their gaze and glanced directly at Rei and Greninja.

"Sorry, I was distracted by the rooms!" Ash giggled "Pika Pika!" Pikachu lower his ears and scratched the back of his neck. "I was wondering If I could go into the rooms and talk to other people working their." Ash pointed Rei smiled and suggested "Maybe, you and your Pokémon can talk to them once you have enough free time."

"Ok!" Ash accepted as he followed Rei up to the third floor. They've made it to the third floor to meet the commander, the giant man turned around and looked at Ash, Ash was sweating a bit "I've been waiting for you!" The man said "S-Sorry I took so long." Ash apologised "Greninja!" "Pikachu!" Pikachu and Greninja reassured Ash but, Ash wasn't even crying.

"Come forward, young man!" The man invited Ash looked at Rei "You can do it!" Rei reassured he then, glanced at the man and walked inside the room gulping his saliva. "I am Kamado, commander of the Galaxy Expedition Team!" The man introduced himself and his job role "Hrrrm.... So, you are Ash Ketchum." Kamado assumed and Ash nodded "Yep!" Ash answered.

"Hrrrm!" Kamado mumbled making Ash gulp his saliva again "I've been briefed on your situation-including how you fell from the rift in the sky." Kamado informed Ash scratched the back of his neck "It's a long story, commander." Ash replied "Really?" Kamado questioned "Yeah...." Ash replied.

"Hrrrm! You something." Kamado said as he took a breath "Now then....." Kamado mumbled "Let's see what you're made of!" He exclaimed "Face me in a combat!" Kamado challanged "Right!" Ash accepted "Pikachu!" "Greninja!" Pikachu and Greninja also accepted as they got into their fighting position Ash stopped them using his hand.

"I'll do it!" Ash insisted Pikachu and Greninja stopped as Pikachu jumped off of Ash's Shoulder. Ash furrowed his brow and got into position before charging at Kamado with full strength "Hyah!" Kamado grunted Ash was thrown into the walls "Ah!" He grunted.

"Ash!" Rei cried running towards him "Pikachu!" "Greninja!" Pikachu and Greninja also cried and ran towards Ash, Rei grabbed Ash by his arm and looked at him all worried "Are you ok?" He asked Ash opened one eye "I'm fine...." He muttered "Hrrrm! You've got vigor-I'll give you that!" Kamado remarked.

"You need to work on your sumo technique, but I do see some potential...." Kamado suggested Ash got up thanks to the help of Rei and Greninja as Pikachu was on Rei's shoulder. Ash grunted and question "Sumo Technique?" Kamado nodded "Yeah! But I see some potential that you might be a great sumo wrestler very soon." Kamado praises "You just need to work on that." He added.

Moral of the story: Never charge at Kamado unless you have enough strength to do so.

To be Countinued....

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