Chapter 19 - No star recurit

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"I don't know what I could do without you, Rei!" Ash commented Rei sighted and face palmed, and glanced at Ash with an annoyed face "I told you not to thank me." He replied as Pikachu and Greninja sighted while, Kamado giggled.

"Hmmmm! I see, you guys are already friends?" Kamado assumes and Rei and Ash looked at him. "I have one task for you, young Ash Ketchum!" He announced and Ash grinned "What is it?" Ash questioned "Dedicate yourself to the work of the Galaxy Expedition Team, and complete the Pokédex!" Kamado ordered. "Yes sir!" Ash replied "But I warn you, Ash Ketchum....." Kamado cautioned.

"Pokémons are terrifying creatures. Keep your wits about you as you work!" Kamado forewarned "I know sir!" Ash nodded and replied. Ash turned to his Pokémons and Rei "Let's go back to Captain Cyllene's Office!" Rei guided "Ok!" Ash replied as Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder and Greninja walked to Ash's side. They walked down the stairs and Rei opened his mouth "You know, you remind me of someone I know!" Rei said as Ash looked at him "Who is it?" Ash questioned.

"Her name is Akari!" Rei revealed and Ash gasped "What happened to her?" Ash quizzed Rei looked down and sighted "She died by drowning in the lakes while, being chased by Alpha Pokémons!" Rei said. "I feel bad for you." Ash emphasises as Pikachu frowned, Greninja patted Rei's back.

Rei glanced at Greninja before glancing at Ash and smiled "You guys are supportive!" Rei commended and Ash grinned "Maybe you guys aren't bad at all." Rei commented. "Anyways, what are Alpha Pokémons?" Ash quizzed and Rei answered with "You'll see.....".

They arrived near Captain Cyllene's office, Rei lets Ash and his pokémons in first before himself. Rei walked to stand next to Professor Laventon while Ash stands to face Cyllene waiting for him to speak to.

"Hi Captain Cyllene!" Ash greeted with a smile "So the commander has also accepted you." Cyllene assumes and Ash nodded his head in response "Ok!" Cyllene responded as she steps forward but, Ash remains in his place.

"But understand this...." She prepared "You begin as a No Star recruit among our ranks." Cyllene proclaims "In other words, you have no rank at all." She revealed. Ash tilted his head "What do you mean?" Ash asked and Cyllene pointed at his uniform, Ash looked at his uniform and then glanced at Cyllene "Oh!" Ash realises.

"Perform well as a member of the Survery Corps, and you will move up through ranks." Cyllene requested and Ash nodded in determination. "Indeed! You see, the more you add to the Pokédex, the higher your rank will become." Laventon added.

"And working on the Pokédex will also, of course, bring closer toward that goal of yours." Laventon added again "To seek out every last Pokémon!" Laventon finishes "Yep! That's what I'm doing!" Ash responded with enthusiasm and Laventon grinned.

"Here. you would need this." Cyllene provided with Ash paying his attention to Cyllene. Cyllene gave Ash a recipes (for making Pokéballs) for him, giving Ash a perplexed look. "And 3,000 Pokédollars as well. You will have to buy the necessary materials." Cyllene provided and gave the money to Ash.

Ash is still perplexed, even his Pokémons feels the same way. Ash glanced at Cyllene "Thanks....." He replied with an unpleasing tone but, a smile on his face. "No problem. Also, have you ever done crafting before?" Cyllene questioned and Ash shooked his head.

Cyllene looked at Rei "Rei. You are an expert at crafting, yourself. Teach our new recuirt what he needs to know." Cyllene ordered "Of course, Captain Cyllene." Rei accepted and glanced at Ash.

"Now, as the experienced craftsperson here, let me explain a bit to start with." Rei started.

To Be Countinued..... In a new story

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