001. one year

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Miranda moved into a small house just a few hours away from Sioux Falls. It's been a few months since Sam died, the woman losing touch with both Castiel and Dean.

Miranda whines as she sits in the hospital bed, waiting to be dilated enough to give birth. Bobby drove in earlier to babysit Carly.

"How we doing?" A nurse walks in with a cup of ice chips. "Here you go, sweetie."

"Thank you." Miranda mumbles. "Been better."

"Where's the father?" The nurse asks.

"Uh... he-- he passed a few months ago. Some... freak accident." Miranda says.

"Oh, honey, I am so sorry." The nurse frowns.

"Thanks." Miranda mumbles, sucking on an ice chip.

"You have any other family?" The nurse asks.

"Uh... not a whole lot. Really just a-- a father figure, kind of. But he's watching my first kid, so... all alone."

"Well, least it's not your first time. It's always scariest the first time. Second is so bad. Trust me, I know -- I got five."

"How old are they?" Miranda asks.

"First two are teenagers, third is 11, and the youngest two are 6 and 2." The nurse informs. "How old is yours?"


"Adorable. Well, I will be back in a little while to check on you again. Just hit that button if you need anything."

"Thanks." The nurse leaves. Miranda sighs, rubbing her stomach. "I wish your daddy was here, baby. I'm sorry he's not." She feels the baby kick. "Yeah, I know."


Miranda whines as she gives a final push.

"We got him!" The doctor exclaims.

Miranda heavily breathes, dropping her head back against the pillow as the nurses put her baby on her chest and deal with getting him comfortable.

Miranda gently rests her hand on his back, sniffling as she cries while looking down at him. Her face screws up as she thinks about how Sam isn't here to see him.


Miranda sits in her hospital bed, holding Wyatt who sleeps. Before he died, Sam and Miranda discussed names, agreeing on ones for both boy and girl since they didn't find out prior to the birth like they did with Carly.

"Hi, baby." She whispers, softly stroking his tiny nose. She quietly sighs, feeling her eyes well up again. "I'm sorry your daddy isn't here. I wish he would."

She turns when there's a knock on the door and Bobby peeks his head in.

"Got energy for visitors?" He asks. Miranda forces a smile and nods. Bobby opens the door more, Carly soon rushing in.

"Mommy!" She grins, racing towards the bed.

"Hi, baby." She softly smiles. "Hey. You wanna see your baby brother?"

"Baby?" Carly asks, standing on her tip toes.

"Yeah." Miranda angles the boy so Carly can see his face. "This is your little brother, Wyatt."

Bobby lifts Carly up onto the bed, the girl sitting on her knees. 

"Be gentle." Miranda softly instructs when Carly reaches out and gently pats Wyatt's stomach. Carly taps his nose a couple times, giggling.


"Come on, baby, eat the peas." Miranda does the airplane, getting the food into her three month old's mouth.

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