017. second marriage

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Sam took Wyatt camping, Miranda refusing to camp and so they decided on a girls weekend and a boys weekend.

It's only been a few days and Miranda hasn't called Sam since yesterday, the two only texting for a bit in the morning. She grabs her phone after it vibrates, looking at the text from her husband.

348 Twain Ave
Dress nice -- you and Carly!

"Um..." Miranda frowns at the text.


Miranda gets to the address, finding it's a chapel like one of the ones they got married at. She's holding onto Carly's hand.

"You and daddy already got married." Carly frowns.

"I know." Miranda says.

"What the hell is going on?" They turn as Dean walks up.

"Don't look at me." Miranda says.

They go inside and quietly walk down the hallway. The lights flicker and Dean pulls his gun out while Miranda picks her daughter up. They get to the double doors at the end of the hall. Before they can touch them, they swing open to reveal Sam who is wearing a suit. He has a pink boutonniere on.

"Guys. It's okay. You won't need that." Sam lowers the gun. "Come on." Sam leads the two inside. There's a woman and man sitting in chairs by the wall.

"Mama!" Wyatt runs to his mom, a bright grin on his face.

"Hey, baby." Miranda softly smiles at him, crouching down and he crashes into her. She picks him up, carrying both of her children as Sam directs her to a chair in the front row and makes her sit down. Sam makes Dean stand by the altar.

"I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some shit." Dean says.

Miranda puts her kids on the two chairs next to her. Wyatt tries to play with the flower on Carly's dress, the girl pushing his hand away.

"You got to-- come here." Sam puts Dean in the correct spot. "All right, now..." Sam puts a pink carnation boutonniere on Dean.

"What is this?" Dean asks.

"Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty." Sam says.

"All right, so, what's the pretext? What are we, uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?" Dean asks.

"No. Nothing like that. All right, um... so, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter." Sam says. "I'm in love. And I'm getting married."

"You're already married." Dean says.

"Right. Well, I-- actually, Miranda, I-- I do need you to sign some divorce papers." Sam tells her.

"Not happening. And can you even get divorce papers that quickly?" Miranda questions. "Sammy, you've been gone for, like, four days."

"You can be married to multiple people?" Carly asks.

"No." Miranda tells her. "Well, I mean... if you're in a cult or Amish, I guess."

"Are we in a cult or Amish?" Carly asks.

"No." Miranda answers.

"Say something." Sam tells his brother. "Like, uh, congratulations, for example." Sam says.

"How about, "what the fuck?"" Miranda remarks.

The bridal chorus starts to play and the doors open to reveal a woman in a wedding dress and a veil is covering her face.

"What the hell?" Dean mumbles. He looks at Miranda who has the most puzzled expression on her face. The woman stops in front of the brothers and Sam lifts the veil to reveal Becky Rosen.

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