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Sam and Miranda are leaning against the car while Dean waits at the payphone for Frank. Sam is reading a newspaper and Miranda is leaning against him while holding Serena. Carly and Wyatt are both running around, playing with each other.

"Hello?" Dean answers the ringing phone. "I am the eggman." He rolls his eyes making Sam laugh. "Seriously, Frank, pay phones? I mean, come on. I-I'm getting the clap off this thing just touching it. Fred Savage? Really? Yeah, no, I know, big mouths are everywhere. Uh, well, since you asked, some actual intel on the Dick Roman guy would be nice. Fine. All right. Yeah, good looking out."

Dean puts the phone up, walking over to his family.

"I hope he finds something quick. This whole protocol du jour thing's really creeping my cheese." Dean says.

"So, we got dick on Dick?" Sam asks.

"That's a vivid way of putting it." Dean comments. "You find anything on Wonder Woman?"

"No. And there probably won't be. They are definitely gone. But..." Sam shows Dean an article about a possible case. "I might have found something over in Kansas."

"All right, well, let's do it. But, uh, a few simple rules, okay? No babies." Dean says making Sam smile. "In fact, no baby mamas. No bars. No booze. No hot chicks of any kind."

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say--"

"Hey. You spawn a monster baby, see how quick you want to dive back in the pool." Dean says, walking to the car.


"Hey." Sam answers his phone, the family of five in the motel.

"Hey. You remember a chain called Plucky Pennywhistle's?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam answers after a moment.

Miranda frowns at the uncomfortable look on his face.

"Really? Could have swore you loved those places." Dean says.

"No, dude, I hated them." Sam argues. "Uh, you would dump me and go trolling for chicks."

"Shocker." Miranda mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"It's not like I left you in jail. I mean, those places are supposed to be fun." Dean says.

"Fun? Uh, they're lame. And they smell like puke. And the ice cream is all grainy." Sam says.

"Ew." Miranda grimaces.

"All right, don't have one of your episodes, okay?" Dean says. "I'm just saying I hit a dead end with this whole wishes gone wild thing, but both kids were at Plucky's day of. Look, why don't you go check out the local Plucky's and ask about this Billy kid?"

"Look, man, w-why don't we just... why don't we just wait for you to get back?" Sam suggests.

"No can do, Hermano. I'm on my way to talk to little Billy." Dean says.

"Why-why-- why don't I go talk to Billy right now?" Sam asks.

"Wait, wait, wait." Dean laughs. "This isn't about your, uh, your clown thing, is it?"

"What?! No!" Sam denies. Miranda snorts.

"Sammy?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam insists.

"Yeah, what in the world did they do to you?" Dean asks. "All right, you know what? Never mind. Just know that 99.99% of all clowns can't hurt you. Okay? And if it bleeds, you can kill it." Dean hangs up.

"If it bleeds, you can kill it." Sam whispers to himself. "Hey, you know what? Uh... I-- I can stay back with the kids. You can-- you could go."

"Uh..." Serena starts crying. "Oh, look at that." Miranda smiles. "She-- she's hungry. I have the milk, so-- so you have fun there, honey." She pats his arm.

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