Something New

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For a 19-year-old, my apartment here in Bludhaven is quite nice. It's a bit large but perfect for what I need it for. The floors are light brown and wood. The walls are black and the trim is white. The walls are bare except for my paintings and photography, which I hang on the walls like it's an art exhibit. In fact, my whole apartment looks like an art exhibit. Large windows that cover from ceiling to floor overlook the city. My couch is a sage green velvet couch with white decorative pillows (odd taste I know, but it goes with the look), green curtains on the windows of the same color, and funky modern decor all over that's gold (not real). There is a bookshelf on the right wall from the door, opposite the kitchen. The bookshelf is covered in books not only because I like to read, but because I have built a wall there leading to a room lined in led that is my secret "cave". Pull 4 certain books and the case opens.

The rest of the house is black, green, white, and gold everywhere else. If it's wood, it all matches the floor. My bed has green covers and white and black pillows. My room also has my art on the walls. I have another room that I use as my "art studio", and it's covered in tarps floor to the ceiling too. The floor also has a tarp covering it in the side of the room that has tarps on the wall. This is in case I go crazy with the paint, and I can get it anywhere and everywhere without having to worry about the cleanup. The other half of the room is where I work on all of my photos and edit whatever I need to.

I just had gotten back from an art exhibit to study the local art. It was already starting to get dark outside so I sat down my bag, walked over to my windows, and closed the curtains. I walk over to my bookshelf and pulled the three-book combo. Top left, middle front, top right, and bottom far right.

I walk in and there's my suit on display next to a wall where I hang all of my toys. My computer setup is very similar to the bat caves except with a smaller screen because it's a smaller wall. One big main screen in the front, with a few surround screens on both sides for extra coverage on whatever I need. Right now I just have info about the city and a live police feed on the main screen, and security camera feeds on the other screens.

In the corner of the room, I have pole access to the roof that I built that no one knows about. No one knows about it because, unlike most apartment complexes in the city, this one does not have roof access. And since I live on the top floor, easy access.

I walk over to my suit and suit up. I slide on my combat boots, slip on my fingerless gloves, and throw on the cloak. My mask rests in my hands as I walk over to check up on the screens. Nothing yet, I think. I throw my com in my ear and slip the mask on. I pull myself up the pole and head over to an alleyway I sit in a lot.

I make it to the roof that covers the alleyway and I perch myself there like a bird. I pull up the same security field from my hideout onto my watch computer. In one screen, there is a strange black van and some hooded figures over by the docs. So I make my way over there.

When I get there, I throw a birdarang that I bugged with a mic somewhere where they wouldn't see it. I listen in on my com.

"Word has is that they've got the crime lord in Gotham a bit scared," said the first crook.

"They've got Black mask scared? How is that possible," said the second crook.

"Well, word on the streets is there's a new vigilante that they call 'Red Hood' attacking and taking out his men one by one."

"Why?" said the third crook.

"Who knows? I guess Gotham is getting sick of it."

"Well as long as we don't get connected to it with our drugs, then I'm not worried about it," Said the second crook.

"Well that's the thing," the first crook started up again, "We are. All of our drugs get switched between here, Gotham, Star City, and Metropolis. Gotham is just the home distribution. If that gets killed, then badabing badaboom, gone. All of it."

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