Greatest Enemies

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The three of us were being led through a long hallway in Arkham Asylum to the Joker. I still can't believe Bruce is willingly leading me to the Joker. Even letting me in the same cell as him. What we were about to find out? I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good. 

You could hear his cackling laugh from all the way down the hall.

He knows we're here.

That one laugh is enough to give you violent night terrors for weeks. Luckily, that doesn't happen to me anymore. I'm not scared of anything anymore. Although I had that nightmare last night, that was the first time in a long time. It was really weird. I guess everything resurfacing is causing old feelings to resurface. I mean, I also haven't cried in years. Not since Jason's funeral, so that was weird too. Gotham will do a lot for you, no matter how long you're here. You could be here for five minutes and be looked up in Arkham in an instant. 

We made it to the door of his cell and it was unlocked for the three of us to enter. 

"Ah the Bat and his former Bat brats," he said then laughed. Turning to Bruce he said: "You look good. Been working out? You could use a little sun. Then again, who am I to talk?"  He laughed again. 

"Ah, Boy Wonder! Do you look bigger? Is it still possible for you to still be growing?" I mean you are an adult now, laughing again. Of course, this is the only thing he's concerned about right now. 

"And you, girl wonder, the bright yellow bird, sunshine,  now darkened by loss and now is dark and creepy like the bat himself," He had an evil smile on his face as he cackled some more. I just glared at him will my arms to my sides and my hands balled into fists. 

"Well, if looks could kill!"

"If only," I muttered. 

Bruce slapped some of the images I had collected the other night from the warehouse on the desk for Joker. 

"He's calling himself the Red Hood, what do you know about it?" Batman interrogated. 

"That he has horrible taste," Joker frowned. "When I wore that number, it was classy. More flashy maitre d' than a motorcycle fetish. Oh, these kids today."

"If you're behind this in any way, we will find out," Nightwing spoke up. 

"Oh, Bird Boy, you're so much less fun now. All grown up in your big-boy pants." He was smiling of course. "Still, better off than his replacement right?" 

That's it.

"Don't you dare? Keep his name out of your fucking mouth!" I yelled.

"Even tougher making with the yuks when you're worm food, huh?"

Bruce grabbed Joker and held him by the neck against the wall.

"You gonna do it this time? Or are you just gonna put me in another body cast for six months?" Bruce dropped him to the ground. "So disappointed. Still, Robin number two was still more fun than any of you. I still remember how he looked up at me and begged," he laughed again. 

I had him now. I punched him across the face and then had him by the neck against the wall. 

"I said; keep his name out of your FUCKING MOUTH!" I punched him again with my free hand. 

"Now her I like, she's more fun," He laughed. "But back to the matter at hand... this new hoody. You really think I would stir up so much trouble... and not make sure you knew it was me."

"You better not be lying bitch," I growled. 

"You know I'm not," he cackled again.

"You're a fucking piece of shit that deserves to rot in hell," I slammed him on the ground, and punched him as hard as I could in the face, hearing the crack that I defiantly broke his nose. He just laughed. All he did was laugh. The three of us started to walk out of his cell as he said:

"Well, it's been fun! Feel free to visit anytime," and was officially losing himself to his laugh.  


"Well that was useless," Dick said as we arrived back into the cave.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I said angrily. 

"You know what though? I'm impressed little bird. You didn't completely lose it on Joker."

"Yeah funny how things work out like that, huh? I'm not a complete psychopath," I joked. 

"I knew you were capable of handling yourself," Dick said putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"We need to figure out who this Red Hood is though, seriously," I said turning to Bruce who was already on his computer. 

"There's nothing in the database that could possibly connect him to anything besides the Joker. We don't have enough information," he said. 

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" Dick asked. 

"Did he not just say that?" I said rolling my eyes. "Genius."

"Well, we certainly won't be getting any further with you two constantly arguing. Learn to get along, or get out of the way," Bats was frustrated now, and I certainly don't blame him. 

"Is there anything we could be doing right now to collect more data?" I asked.

"Nothing at the moment, no."

"So what?" Dick asked. "We just wait around for him to show up or to strike again?" 

"That's exactly what we're going to do."

"I feel like there are easier ways to do this," I said. 

"It's either that or let him know we're onto him," Bruce responds. 

"I think he already knows we are. I mean, the two of us did follow him the other night, I even ran into him following him before I met up with you guys last night."

"We should still wait."

"Whatever you say, Bat Boss." I saluted him and walked towards my bike again. 

"Where are you going?" Dick asked. 

"Patrol. I'm not just going to sit here and wait all night. There's things to be done, people to catch." And just like that, I was off. 

I pulled up and parked my bike in an abandoned building so no one would find it. The last thing I needed was for someone to steal my motorcycle. 

I grappled myself onto the top of the roof. I searched myself on the edge of it while pulling out my computer that was built into the wrist of my sleeves, remembering I put a tracker on Red Hood last night. 

I knew exactly where he was going, I knew this place all too well. Is it a coincidence that he led Bruce to the chemical factory last night and now he's leading me to the first place Jason and I had our first mission together? Or is he just a mastermind?

...Are you ready for it? I ask myself. I have to face this. It's not that I'm scared, just... actually, I don't know what I'm feeling, but it definitely isn't fear. 

Here I go! A blast from the past!



I know this one is a bit shorter but necessary! We're getting there guys! Bare with me!

Love you guys!

- Bree <3

Love & Death- A Jason Todd/Red Hood x readerWhere stories live. Discover now