I'd Love To See You Dance

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I tracked him all the way down to the edge of Gotham where the museum was located. This museum was the first place that Jason and I worked together; his first night being Robin. I remember the excitement he had getting to finally go onto the streets with his newly learned skills. It was an interesting mission for a first mission. The Gotham Sirens were trying to rob the museum of its riches, but of course, we stopped them. 

I dropped myself onto the top of the roof of the museum. He wasn't there so I knew he was inside. 

I dropped off the front and simply walked through the front door. He left it unlocked, he wants me here. I knew though, it wasn't a trap. Something was telling me he simply just wanted to talk, but I wanted to take him down. But not tonight. Tonight I'm going to hear him out unless the opportunity presents itself, then I'll take him down. 

I was calm, my guard wasn't let completely down, only enough to not be hostile. You couldn't hear the footsteps I was making because I was trained not to make sounds with my feet. 

I walked into the Astro exhibit. It was the main attraction of the museum. As soon as you walked in, the room was lit by the Milky Way on the ceiling. It was beautiful. 

"You know," the voice started. "Stars are an interesting thing. Big balls of burning gas that keep burning until they die." He didn't turn around, he just knew I was there. He was observing one of the Saturn displays with his hands behind his back.

"A fan of space are we?" I questioned. 

"You could say that," He walked over to the Tamaran display. "There's just so much that we don't know, and it could simply be right under our noses." 

"That's why people work at NASA," I said sarcastically. 

I started walking up towards him as he talked. 

"So you work solo, I thought. What's with you hanging out with Bat and the wannabe?" He looked over his shoulder to acknowledge that I was behind him now. But he looked back towards the display. 

"I do, I just happen to be in town, and they happen to be working on the same case."

"You, along with the Dark Knight, and Nightwing who is from the same city as you, and you say you work alone."

"Just how it ended up," I was just feeding into what he was saying. 

"How I'm seeing it, is that you wanted to get away from your family, your days of being Finch, and that no matter what, you're drawn back home to Gotham no matter how hard you try and stay away. Let me know if I'm wrong?" He questioned. Something inside me didn't like what he said. 

"You don't know me," I said bitterly. 

"I know you more than you think," he turned around faster than I could blink and he was in my face. "A lot more than you think."

We just stared at each other for a second. I knew if he wasn't wearing a full-coverage metal mask, I'd probably shiver at the sight of his eyes boring into mine. 

"Why are  you here?" I asked turning away and walking towards the other need of the room where the Kryton display was. 

"Why are you here?"

"I asked first."

"You followed me here."

"Did you not want me here?" I turned around to face him. He was still on the other end of the room, the only difference from before was that we were facing each other. "You left the front door unlocked, you knew where to come."

"What makes you say that?" 

"You led Batman to Ace Chemicals, now you led me here. Why?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he clearly smirked.

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