Returning Home

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TW sexual abuse at the end (a scene like the one with Dick at the hotel in Titans).

I woke up this morning, tired as usual. I don't get much sleep, especially after that night three years ago yesterday.

It was 6:30 in the morning. Why this early? I wanted to make it to Gotham at a decent time before tonight.

I got as normal, made my bed, grabbed a granola bar, brushed my teeth, and threw on some clothes; a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a red t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I left my hair down as normal and put gold hoops into my ears.

I went into my closet to grab my brown duffle bag. This was the bag I usually used for my camera and camera equipment. As I zip open the bag I got a notification on my phone from a motion detector I have set up in the hallway. I only have four people living on my floor and nobody really leaves their apartment. I looked down at my phone and pulled up the camera; Dick. Again.

Before he could knock, I put my bag back into the closet so he wouldn't be suspicious. Knowing how we are with our detective skills, dust is always considered. I use this bag pretty frequently and he knows that, so no dust, no problem.

As he was bringing his hand up to knock, I opened the door.

"How did you-" he tried to question.

"Motion detectors," I said with a blank face. "Does your phone not work?"

"I just wanted to let you know I was heading to San Francisco and that I would be back in two days."

"It's good that you're finally making your way over there," I said with a smile. I don't do much of that.

"Well I do need to see Kory," he sighed. "Unfortunately we haven't been able to see much of each other since we had gotten engaged."

We both stood there for a moment. I decided o break the awkward silence.

"Would you like to come in for a sec?"

"I can't, gotta leave as soon as I can. I was just dropping by for a minute. But you know, even when you are up this early, which isn't often, you're not usually dressed like this. You going somewhere?" Of course, he'd ask that. I already had a story to cover it up with though.

"I'm heading over to Gotham this morning," I told him that bit of the story only because I didn't want him to be even more suspicious than he already will be. "There's an art exhibit there today by an old friend from school. I wanted to go check it out and take some pictures."

"Does Bruce know you're going to be in town?" he furrowed his brows.

"No," I instantly said. "I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to see him, and I don't want to be around him. I don't really even want to be in Gotham but I just wanted to be supportive."

"You really should talk to him," he said concerned. "He misses you."

"Did he actually say that, or is that you saying that? Even if he does, I don't care all that much. I care enough to wish him a happy birthday, and merry Christmas. That's it."

"Well, it's up to you. You really should though," he looks down at his watch. "Shoot. I have to go, I promised Kory that I'd be there at a decent time."

"Be careful then," I said sincerely. "Tell her I said hi."

"I will. Love ya little bird," he chuckled.

"Whatever," and I closed the door.

I went straight back to my room and grabbed my bag again. I left the camera in there because you never know. In it, I packed and random t-shirt and gym shorts to sleep in tonight and packed an outfit that's basically the same as this one for when I come home tomorrow. I went over into my hideout and grabbed my suit, and all of my gear and threw it into the bag. I slipped on my combat boots and grabbed my biking helmet and headed down to the garage. Of course, after making sure EVERYTHING was locked.

I found my motorcycle and hopped on. I decided not to take my car, just in case I needed my bike tonight.

I was driving through Bludhaven with my duffle bag strapped around me. I had my AirPods in my ears under my helmet to listen to my music while I was biking. This was something I loved to do. It was calming.

I reached the "Welcome to Gotham" sign and felt a pang of guilt, pain, and nostalgia hit my heart. This was my home, this is where I grew up. I loved it here once no matter how bad the city got. But once Jason died, Finch died too. I allowed myself to fully become Finch and leave out Y/n which was a mistake because she was gone too. That's why I left, I needed Y/n back. Part of me didn't want to leave the vigilante life behind me so that's why I became Sparrow. I knew Y/n was still about that life, she just grew up... too fast.

The familiar concrete jungle flew by me in a blur as I went. I pulled up to the hotel and checked. The receptionist looked tired and sick of her job. The elevator was broken so I had to take the stairs. The hallways weren't horrible, they just weren't clean. The sounds of squeaking came from the inside of the walls with little critters inside them. I walked into my room and unlocked the door. On the other side of the wall were people a little too much fun. It's not even 8 in the morning yet, I thought. I turned on the tv as loud as it could go for background noise to drown out the sound of next door.

I could've gotten a room in a way nicer hotel but I didn't know who I would run into that knew Bruce. Couldn't risk any chance of him knowing that I was here.

Before I settled in, I checked for bugs all around the room before I planted my own. There weren't any except for a small hotel camera bug. I got rid of it of course.

I settled my stuff and hid my suit. I set down on the bed for a total of five seconds before I heard screaming from next door that wasn't good screaming.

"What the hell are you doing?" The woman yelled. "No! Stop! Please, don't. No please stop!"

I called the cops "Hi, I'm at Hotel Gotham Knights, and room 204 next door is a sexual abuse situation."

I hung up the phone and made my way over to the room and busted the door open. The man had pulled out a knife at her.

"Hey buddy," I said sarcastically. The woman looked terrified while the man was pissed. I put my hand on his shoulder "I think she asked you to stop." At this point, I was pissed myself.

I threw the man down, and he tried to stab me with his knife. I took my foot and stomped his hand down hard enough to break his hand. I punched him in the face hard enough to knock him out and break his nose.

"You're welcome," I grumbled. I walked out as the cops flooded in. I hate abusers. Trash human beings.

I walked back into my room to chill until I had to be out and suited up.

Tonight was the night to meet the Red Hood.

Love & Death- A Jason Todd/Red Hood x readerWhere stories live. Discover now