Part 9 (81-90)

97 10 6

#81: Make a big sandwich, drop it on the floor (at least the dog will enjoy it)

#82: Love it a open door, then why is my crush shutting the door all the time?

#83: mysteries are just suprises that havent been found yet

#84: Try to find a wallet while hitting driver with ballon

#85: Notice all things dirty or wrong in cartoons when older

#86: Yolo- You only live once, well the man who made it didn't know about the dragon balls did he?

#87: Speak forien language in diffrent country where no one understands it

#88: This momemt will go on for infinity! *points at the double infinity signs to the left*

#89: Notice the busses on spongebob purposely drove away when he got near

#90: Loses car keys inside car along with phone to call lock smith

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