~{Venomous Affections}~

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Joey and his friends are rescued and discover the real threat against Everlock.

"I though I was gonna save a town but know we gotta save ourselves" Ro said.

"There are eight artifacts that this carnival master draws his power from" Safiya said.

"So if you don't figure this out before sunrise we are all going to die" Roi said.

JC and Teala are voted into the final challenge and choose a partner to fight for them. "WE HAVE A WINNER!" the clown leader says. Blood has been spilt yet there are seven artifacts left to defeat the Carnival Master.

"Not everyone in town is telling the truth" Safiya says.
DEC 31, 1977

"It's Cindy. Seeing if you're still coming. It's almost ten. I didn't want to call your house, so leaving a message at the office. Miss you." Cindy finishes then we see her at a booth where a mysterious hand gives Cindy a napkin. Cindy looks at it confused, she then flips it over to reveal the word "WHORE" written on the back in red lipstick. She turns around and sees 2 women standing there eyeing her. She turns back to the front and makes an exit out the back door.

The 2 women from before cut her off and 1 of them reply with "Bitch, trying to sleep with my husband" as she slaps her. Then the women begin to beat her until she's on the ground, then the women who slapped her grabs her face and shows her a cartridge of matches and says "Stay away" and she lets go of her and the women walk away. Just then the Carnival Master appears behind her walking up to her, he kneels next to her and whispers in her ear "I can give you anything you want. All you have to do is take my hand". He puts his hand out in front of her showing 2 crystal circles, she then reaches for his hand and grabs the now glowing crystals. She then begins to transform. She then walks through the main doors of the bar and stands in front of the 2 women's booth, revealing that she has transformed into a Snake Woman. The Snake Woman then bites the woman who slapped her.
We are all back sitting on the couch "So we don't have much to go off of besides this" Safiya says about the note. Her meaning the note she found saying 'somebody in town is not telling the truth'. "So who do guys think is lying?" Safiya asks, I couldn't think of anyone but then Joey starts to say "Well, we only know two people. That's Calliope and Mortimer so..." I cut Joey off by telling him "No I trust Calliope and Mortimer because they both saved me, Calliope the first time and then Mortimer the second, and Mortimer saved all of us from the clowns". I could see out of the corner of my eye Mortimer and Calliope smiling as I stood up for them.

~{JOEY: I'm so thankful that Mortimer and Calliope are targets towards someone lying, but after what Emma said maybe not anymore}~

"How do we know we can all be trusted? Maybe it's one of us" Colleen interjected. That is true what if it is one of us I know it's not me, Matt, or Ro so who is it.

~{COLLEEN: I'm really keeping my eye on Joey, right now I feel like he's hiding something from us. Also keeping a small eye on Emma cause that girl can get feisty. So I don't want to get on her bad side}~

Joey quickly changing the subject asks Teala "Teala, how are you feeling coming back from that challenge?" I direct my attention to her "I agree with Colleen. We obviously can't trust everybody. Somebody voted me in." Teala replied to Joey. Then Nikita buts in "But do you think it was rightfully so?".

~{EMMA: DAMN NIKITA, throwing the shade, although a small part of me agrees with her, sorry Tete}~

We all look at Nikita shocked at what she just said, Calliope then walks over and pulls the map down from the wall and we can see there are new areas on the map. Ro points out "Fat Man Slims" is new on the map, so I'm guessing every time we cleanse an artifact a new place really does appears on the map. Joey then reads "Beware the snakes. The Serpents Eyes lie in wait" The hell does that mean do we need to find these eyes? Then we see this woman peeping around the corner, the woman sees us looking and she starts to run for it and we all get up and start running after her.

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