~{Control Issues}~

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(Be ready for a long chapter ladies, gents, and non-binary's, but it's worth it)


"The Carnival Master will be released at sunrise, and this whole damn town is going to burn!" the clown leader said.

"So if we can collect all these artifacts--Maybe we can stop this from happening" Colleen said.

The adventures are getting closer to saving the town. "We only have one more artifact left" Joey said. But one among them has been corrupted and another can be controlled by the Carnival Master.

"I know something is happening to you" Calliope said to Mortimer. "I feel there is something wrong with you too child" Calliope said to Emma.

And they lose another friend. (Ro death)
NOV 24, 1977

"I cut off his fingers, I cut off his toes. I cut off his--" Lucy ends laughing and she's sitting in a jail cell with a straight jacket on. "I cut off his fingers, I cut off his toes. I cut off--" she repeats but stops and looks around seeing the Carnival Master appearing for a split second around the room. "No, Daddy, not again!" she says whimpering then the Carnival Master appears next to her and she screams trying to get away. She moves over to the front of the cell putting her face in between the bars of the cell. "My precious child, what you have done has proven you're worthy of my love" the Carnival Master said to Lucy.

"He begged me to stop, but I couldn't. I don't want to do anymore, please!" Lucy told the Carnival Master which he replied with "She won't stop hurting you until you let go and accept me" and he puts a collar around Lucy's neck. "Now close your eyes. You'll be in control" the Carnival Master instructs her. Then a police officer comes in dragging her baton against the bars, she then opens the cell door and point her baton at Lucy then touching the side of her head. Lucy moves to head so the police woman isn't touching her anymore. Then the officer walks around behind her and asks "What you doing in the corner, Lucy? hm?" then she swinger her baton at Lucy hitting her back which makes Lucy grunt in pain. "You know, they found your boyfriend's hand in the mayor's mailbox. It's missing two fingers. That's my nephew, you crazy bitch!" the officer yells at Lucy and begins beating her again.

"Why'd you do it, Lucy?" the officer yells while beating Lucy again. Lucy screams then opens her arms, freeing herself from the straight jacket. Lucy gets up and urns around attacking the female officer, she goes for the officers eyes and the officer screams in pain. The officer is now down on her knees and then leans up against the cell slowly sinking into the floor and the officer is dead. Lucy breaths heavily and smiles as she walks out of the cell.
We are all sitting around in the lounge and my headache has gotten so bad it's hard to focus, it's almost like the darkness inside me from before is fighting to take control but I have to be strong cause we only need one more artifact to go. "Okay, guys, we have one more artifact to go. We got this." Joey said "Yeah, one of us still has to die" Matt points out and I nod my head a little to agree with him. "It probably should be you. You did already die once" Nikita said and that filled me with rage "Or maybe it should be you cause we really don't need or want a trouble-maker on our team" I said with sass. She then of course continues after rolling her eyes "You know what it's like" and Matt has a look of shock and almost betrayal on his face and I grab his hand, kind of telling him that he's not going anywhere as long as I'm here. Then Manny buts in "We brought you back because like, we needed you, you know?" "And you don't need me now? Why am I suddenly expendable again?" Matt says and as I'm about to say something I my headache gets even worse and Joey basically says it for me "No, no, no ,no, don't worry, you're not expendable" and I smile at Joey as a way of saying thank you for saying that.

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