~{Strong Like a Demon}~

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Joey and his friends find the next artifact. Matt: It must be the Statue of Era. And face off against the Man with No Name to cleanse it.

Emma starts to discover what is happening to her during the challenge with the Man with No Name, she blocks him, not allowing him to go any further.

"How the hell did I just do that?" Emma said while looking at her hand

Joey: This just proves that the carnival master is extremely powerful. 

Teala is slain in the final challenge and Ro returns with new purpose. 

"I'm a fighter" Ro says

However, the group fails to recover the Lazarus coin. "Is this locked forever?" Matt asked

MARCH 7, 1978

There's a group of men and a woman in Fat Man Slims and a scrawny police officer arm wrestling a buffer man. "Look at him try!" the woman says while laughing. The man the officer is arm wresting with starts to toy with him and then easily beats him by throwing his arm down to the table. The group starts laughing at the officer and the arm wrestle winner grabs the money and a member of the group says "Now, now that don't even feel right". Then the officer looks up at the woman and the woman's eyes soften the man continues "Look at his skinny ass!".

The police officer then stands up and the winner then tells him "Head or gut little man?" the officer then tells the winner "Head" the winner looks at him with big eyes , shocked "You are crazy" he says winding up and he punches the officer in the face. The group then starts to walk out and one of them leave with saying "Go back to guarding people in handcuffs". Now the officer is in his police station where the officer from before is inside lifting a weight. Then the Carnival Master appears behind him putting a hand on the guys shoulder making him drop the weight. Then the Carnival Master starts to speak "I can make you strong. Stronger then ten men. Strong like a demon" the Carnival Master says handing him a pyramid which is the artifact. The officer takes it and the Carnival Master disappears, the officer turns around then the artifact opens.

This smoke comes out of the artifact and infects the man and he screams falling onto the floor. Then this monster arm reaches up onto the table.

Joey tells us he needs to go to the bathroom so he walks off and my gut is telling me something is wrong until I hear a voice again "I can give you anything ", I put a hand to my temple and before anyone can notice I sneak out of the arcade and see Joey walking outside. I decided to follow him but I make sure he doesn't see me but then I hear that voice again "I can make you strong. Do you want the world to know your name? " I follow Joey to an entrance that leads to a church, I'm standing behind him making sure I'm quiet as possible until I hear glass shattering and shrieking in my head. I clutch the sides of my head cause it's so loud it starts to hurt.

Joey then hears me whimpering and turns around to see me. "Emma what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here" he says walking over to me and helping me stand up "Oh yeah, what's your excuse?" I say through grinding teeth. "Are you ok? what's going on" Joey asks "I don't know like I heard this voice then glass shattering and screaming" I told Joey. "That's the Carnival Master's voice" Joey says underneath his breath "What?" I asked barely able to hear him but I did, and the noises and voice starts to die down. Joey then looks behind him and I do the same to see nothing.

~{RO: Joey said he was going to the bathroom, so we're waiting for him but it's been a long time then I notice that Emma has disappeared too}~

~{MANNY: Collectively I can just feel the energy of the group is just down. We're like "Okay, what do we even do next?}~

~{COLLEN: I know, if we can open it, something good might happen}~

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