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[ please listen to the song as you read the chapter ]

Lucifer glanced around the hospital waiting room, shaking with worry. Castiel had been admitted over three hours ago, and they had yet to tell anyone how he was doing. He had tried to get him mom to tell him what happened, but she claimed it was better if he heard it from Cas. Whatever it was that was wrong with his little brother, it was eating him alive with worry.

He jumps slightly, feeling a hand on his. Glancing up, his eyes come in contact with Samantha's. She gives him a reassuring smile, wrapping her fingers through his, and he can't help but return the small gesture.

"It will be okay Luci, he's a tough dude. Has to be to live with you," Sam jokes, causing Lucifer to laugh momentarily.

"She's right, ya know." Abbadon adds, giving them both a small smile. "I know we fight all the time, but I care about you guys. Especially Cassie."

Lucifer and Samantha sit in shock for a few seconds, taking in what Abbadon had said before Lucifer finally got his voice back.

"We care about you too bitch." By the smile on his face, Abbadon had realized that had become a new term of endearment, and she could live with that.

"Family of Castiel Novak?" As they all rose to their feet, ready to hear any news of him, the nurses next words destroyed them. "I'm sorry for your loss-"

Lucifer had stopped listening, he had stopped breathing, when she said those five simple words. By themselves they held no significant meaning, but together they could kill you. He sank to the floor, heart wrenching sobs falling from his lips as every moment he had shared with his brother flashed through his mind.

He's gone.

| - - - |

Lucifer hadn't left his room in three weeks. To say Sam was worried would be an understatement. He rarely ate, and sleep was almost non-existent. He hadn't spoken since the funeral, which she knew was only because he wanted to say a few words for Castiel.

| - the funeral - |

"My brother didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve death. But here we are. I miss him. It's only been four days, and I miss him. I doubt that will ever go away. Maybe that's for the best though. When you stop missing someone, you start forgetting them, and I won't forget Cas. I can't. I hope none of you do either." Lucifer stepped down from the podium, and took his seat beside Samantha. She instinctively wrapped an arm around him, letting him lay his head on her shoulder as he cried the remainder of the funeral...

| - present day - |

"Luci, you need to come out. Or let me in." Sam's voice came from the other side of the door, but Lucifer didn't move from his spot in the corner.

On his nightstand, there was a picture of Cas and himself. He would have to walk past it to open the door. He doesn't have the strength to do that. To see Castiel's face knowing he will never see it again, except in pictures. Never hear his voice again. He was too broken to think of anything else.

He just hoped Castiel was finally happy. Wherever he may be.

I'm sorry. please don't kill me. It's important an had to happen and I'm sorry.
I love you,

Oblivion // Samifer AU : Fem!Sam - hiatus -Where stories live. Discover now